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Boba Fett!!!!! Where?! (Most Likely some Spoilers Ahead...)


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Originally posted by Anakin1607

The "official" answer is that Boba wasn't killed by Kyle in Dark Forces, only knocked out. In fact, that was one of the few assassination missions that Fett botched.

I did that level again today (Mission XI: The Imperial Mask, on Coruscant, in case you were wondering). He came at me, gave and took a few hits, then his AI got him stuck in a place he didn't want to come out from inside the building ... I tried to free him with a few shots, but ended up wasting him with 2nd fire from the DT weapon ...


I didn't drop down to check ... but he looked pretty dead to me ;)


Can't wait.



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Originally posted by Dr_night

EDIT sorry didn't see you say it was in dark forces

... sorry that I wasn't specific in saying 'that Dark Forces level' ... I can only imagine what your initial post said :eek: especially given the amount of stuff I said about the level and what happened and so on ... if that had been JA ...


Sorry !



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Originally posted by StormHammer

Well, I have to disagree, having watched the recent footage more closely. You can clearly see throughout the second trailer where it changes from cut scenes to the SP game, and to the MP game - the HUDs change.


When you (very briefly) see Boba Fett, it is during a cut scene - and therefore I believe he will appear in SP. I can't see why they would have a cut scene on Boba Fett for MP...and no other characters.


Here's a capture from the video...sorry about the quality...




Make up your own minds...but I'm pretty much convinced that's from SP...


Where did you get the movie from?

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Originally posted by HaruGlory89

I hope I can fight him and beat up his a$$.


Well, I think that's pretty much a given...no point in having him in there if you can't 'play' with him. ;)


Going back to the video footage (brief and grainy as it is), I like the motion and effects they've used while he's flying. I'm wondering if they've given him the same kind of moves and maneouverability as Jango in AOTC. I always remember that bit where Jango clings onto the pillar and fires his rocket at Obi-Wan - and it would be cool to see Boba do something similar. :)


I hope that any showdown with Fett extends across a wide area - I'd hate to be locked in yet another small chamber with health and ammo packs... I'm thinking something on the scale of the duel with Maw in JK...that was one of my favourite duel levels. :)

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well it does not matter if its small or huge, just on the speeder bike level, said to be the hugest of em all, get off your speeder and spawn him, bam! you got him in a huge enviroment! thats what i am gonna do with a rancore, the level were you free the prisoners, its very crapmed, so i will fight him there, and wait till i get to a big outdoor level,and spawn him again, for a even better fight

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Well, I think that's pretty much a given...no point in having him in there if you can't 'play' with him. ;)


Going back to the video footage (brief and grainy as it is), I like the motion and effects they've used while he's flying. I'm wondering if they've given him the same kind of moves and maneouverability as Jango in AOTC. I always remember that bit where Jango clings onto the pillar and fires his rocket at Obi-Wan - and it would be cool to see Boba do something similar. :)


I hope that any showdown with Fett extends across a wide area - I'd hate to be locked in yet another small chamber with health and ammo packs... I'm thinking something on the scale of the duel with Maw in JK...that was one of my favourite duel levels. :)


I agree ... there's something about the environment of an epic battle ... I liked the one with Galak because he could take down the walkways and didn't have any 'blind' areas ... you had to think and act ... but Boba in Dark Forces ... that was fun in that you fought him, but not a great area for fighting.



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Originally posted by boinga1

No WAREZ, please! /\

Oh god ... I just HAD to see it, didn't I ... this is why I keep thinking about ditching out of here for a while ...


All of these warez people who don't THINK before they just dump spoilers on our laps ... so annoying ...


At least I EXPECT the posts in the first couple of weeks with spoilers in the title (like when JKII came out) ... the warez stuff I could do without ...



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Hopefully there will be a nice long cutscene of you cutting of Fett's head, after you beat him to his knees in a bloody battle (just like Mace did to Jango his dad).


Finally, you carry his head back to the Yavin Temple, where the Jedi Knights proceed to play a rousing game of soccer (that's football for you non-Americans) with it.


Leading to the very popular mod "Fett's Head-Ball"...

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Originally posted by Excelsion

I'm hoping that boba has some kind of "unique weapon" that you get to use when you beat him.


Also, they could make fighting boba like fighting tavion in JO. (Big area, end of level boss).


(This is my first post on these forums)

Welcome! There are a lot of cool people here (and some knowledgeable games to boot), enjoy.


I think that they will make him a 'featured' enemy - i.e. and end level 'boss'. I'm intrigued to see how it plays out ...



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Thanks, txa1265. I would also like to mention that I have the PC Zone mag which is in discussion elsewhere on these forums. The review has a screen which:



has Boba standing next to an X-Wing on what appears to be a planet that looks rather like coruscant (did I spell it right?)



[Edit - Stormy - deleted the spaces for your spoiler tags. Just 'edit' your post yourself to view the changes, so you know it the next time. Simple. ;) ]

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Finally, you carry his head back to the Yavin Temple, where the Jedi Knights proceed to play a rousing game of soccer (that's football for you non-Americans) with it.


Leading to the very popular mod "Fett's Head-Ball"...


ROFL. :haha: Kurgan, you just crack me up. :p


That would be a great mod. :D

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Originally posted by PhantomHelix

I have a question: what is WAREZ? I keep on hearing about it on LF, but no one tells me what it is.



Regrettably I can't give you the entire derivation of the word 'warez', having stayed away from the hacker BBS's back in the 80's ...


But basically warez refers to cracked or otherwise 'runnable-ized' versions of programs. The originals have been copied from whatever original media, and the executable has been altered in some way or ways to run without needing the original media, or a serial number or key or any other proof of ownership. This version is then distributed to others who are able to gain full use of a fully featured program without paying for it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry to bring this thread back up, but: **SPOILER**



Im surprised you havnt noticed, but the demo has the NPC files for every player in JA. If you dont make mods, maps, skins, or models (i do, so i know about this stuff) multiplayer doesnt have NPCs, it has BOTs. Theres a big difference in AI. Just looking at his .NPC file in the demo assets0.pk3 file, he looks to be an excellant opponent, he even has one "force power" kinda sort of, the power is levitation (for the jetpack?) 400 health, 4 weapons, melee :D disruptor rifle, rocket launcher, and a blaster :D Id post the file, but i think thats illegal, im not sure. Anyways, you can see every NPC from JKII, and JA, including the ships, people ive never heard of, taun tauns, the rancors, and everything! Check it out



Ill be posting a rancor spoiler soon too :D

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