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shreneka is no more


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hey everybody....

i may have told some of you but for those who dont know..... shreneka was deleted... so i started a new character and sent an email to the support group thingie to see if they could renew shreneka .... but since i had allready started my new one they wouldnt let me...... so umm that means big change of plans



i am now a rodian that goes by the name of omikauk.... i think thats it anyway.. could someone post the co-ordinates to the pa town .... i was running around in the "general" area of it for about half an hour today and couldnt find it.... i know i should have asked kwok when i saw him this morning but i had a race to go to and i was running late


so anyway shreneka is no more :( i thaught about re making him but ive allready gone further with omikauk then i had with shreneka so i dont really feel like putting in the "new player" time again.... this was very dissapointing for me but hopefully it will all work out... instead of being big and brown im now small and purple

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excellent that means i wont have to assasinate that stupid mail man :D .....


what are you lot talking about though.... the gnarly gnort is still going up!! but .. unfortionately im ages away from that so im gonna need.... LOTS of help... ive got some money with this character like 35000 so if people could sell me like metal and fiberplast .... that would be good as need the bussiness and domestics tree and im not too far along those


yeh just cuz shreneka is gone doesnt meen that my dreams of the gnarly gnort is

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oh and Sorry about that unproper introduction hehe I thought you were someone wanting your Battle fatigue healed, ( that's happened quite alot..hehe.:animelol: ) Well hope you make it! Right now I can only help with Hide and bones if you ever need any...:D But I'm glad to have met you ingame hehe our band has turned out pretty good lately and we have played two times now but hope to play at the Gnarly Gnort often...:mm1:band1

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