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Insane RPG Newbies


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**** my bad...most humble apologies to TK88823322LBM...dont snitch bitch...ok back to topic...


I assume this thread has something to do with RPG nOObs vs assholes who actually like to fight in the fps game that they bought...


what can i say that hasnt been said a million times by people who are smarter than i am? nothing i guess...


i will say this...it is these kinds of players that have driven me to play in 1 server...I only play in div3rse CTF, I have given up on trying to FFA, it never works out...which is sad because I used to really enjoy FFA...


and seeing as how alot of the CTFers are better than alot of the FFA folks out there who keep sleeping us and ****, I don't think they will ever be able to get as good at this game as they might like because they ban all the players who are better than they are that they could learn from...theyre ****ing up their own evolution as players...


its not Darwinism, its DaRCONism...ban all the players who can beat you and you will always be the best on your server...on your server and thats it...


anyways, I think were just kind of repeating this **** over and over again and I dont think were really getting anywhere...except for a couple of players who have actually seen the light, we are grossly outnumbered...


i surrender to the rpg nubs as rulers of the FFA servers...but please stay the **** away from CTF in JO and JA...there are no saber codes or rules, you wouldn't like it...


wow, I'm back on topic...now you cant report me TK8826735264MPN hall monitor

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Originally posted by [fk]mediablitz

The JEDI ORDER {REC}|67ms|


Those guys are hilarious. When I was there they were strait up roleplaying for real. Two of them were pretending to be droids on that Jedi Council map, while the other members were walking them to their "cells" where they had to "recharge". They were taking all of this very seriously. then they split up into two teams, one was the "cops" and another was the "robbers", and they went on opposite ends of the map and finally had a showdown, in which the cops won and then took the robbers (they didn't actually fight, they just drew their sabers and talked) to "jail" in these little rooms on the side. They also had text binds for their games, with things like "Officer down! Officer down!" and "Security Droid has spotted the enemy! Need back up quick!"

I can't imagine how fruity some people can be!! Looks like the {REC} server is full of 9 and 10 year olds.


BTW, I'd appreciate it if people would just call me TK like everyone does in the JO servers (like calling R2D2 "R2" and C-3PO "3PO"), rather that TX432-6934096=324=502341141MSG. I don't make fun of your names! :cry6: And I didn't see anything in this thread that would be needed to report anyway.

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I think this was more about silly roleplaying. such as the cops and robbers thing.


I don't see why anyone would see anything wrong with using Outcast as a roleplaying setting. Honour and sabre rules? Hell, people have been claiming that stuff in FFA games for ages, has nothing to do with roleplaying. That sort of thing is usually set by individual servers, though players often whine if the rules aren't exactly what they think the rules should be. Much like people who whine about the gameplay not being what it should be (people crying over people using force powers, guns, sabres, snart strategies, etcetera and claiming it's somehow unfair come quickly to mind).


You're right, though, that RP games should be kept to RP servers. People logging onto a server not set aside for that sort of thing shouldn't have to deal with people calling them lamers simply because they wanted an FFA game.


Personally, I don't think the role playing is all that out of place. Outcast is pretty much perfect for action oriented RP games, especially on maps like "Jabba's Palace" and "Anchorhead Saga".


I especially like games like Team FFA where one side takes the role of the imperials, using imperial skins, etcetera, and the other team plays as rebels or smugglers or what have you and each team defends it's base. Of course, if it's not set to Team FFA, and just FFA, you can sneak in spies, have non-sided players wandering the town outside of either base, perhaps giving information on where the other side's team members are at any given time. Stuff like that.


Of course, that kind of action roleplaying you tend to see less than the 'cops and robbers' type of game mentioned in the thread's original post.

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what i am trying to say is why rpg? this game is a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. it was programmed by raven to be a first person shooter. i mean, in all respects if you want to enhance the game in some way, such as writing x-mod or academy mod (which i do not support because of the exploitation of the /am commands) then by all means you go girl, but i mean how do you think people that write a game feel when they see people doing something silly and outrageous. i cannot speak on behalf of raven software or the individual workers that programmed jk2, but i'd assume that while some of them cannot voice their opinions on how they are opposed to Roleplaying, or "RP"ing, they certainly are not advocats of this style of gameplay. to make an analogy, i think that roleplaying in a first person shooter game is much alike to a 3 year old shoving the corner of a board game up his ass.


P.S.: hai tarb.

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Why not? Seriosuly, just because the game was made in the first person shooter genre of games, why does the incredibly open style of gameplay possible in the multiplayer part of the game have to be limited to running around trying to rack up as many kills as possible?


I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, you're right in saying that's what the game was intended for. I just think your analogy is completely unrelated to what you're suppsoedly trying to describe.


To me, roleplaying on a Jedi Outcast server is kind of like a 3 year old kid playing with his Gobots and his Transformers at the same time. Sure, some people might not like Transformers, and sure some people might not like Gobots, but their the kid's toys, why shouldn't he be able to mix them together if he wants to?


Or perhaps this is a better analogy. It's like a group of 12 year olds taking a bunch of board games, snatching bits and pieces from each, and writing their own rules for a game all their own. Sure, that's not what the games were originally intended for, but who's to say that this new game isn't just as fun, if not more fun than any one of the games from which the pieces were borrowed?


If they're doing it with their own games, on their own servers, then what's really wrong with that? You know, first person shooters didn't start out with a 'Capture the Flag' mode. Someone came up with that idea and most likely implemented it into some sort of mod before some company picked it up.


Before that, I can easily see someone making the same argument you're making, but instead of roleplaying, complaining about people playing Capture the Flag. I mean, it's a first person shooter, after all. What's Capture the flag have to do with that? It just so happened that they went well together and now it's standard.


Also, I somehow doubt that the people at Raven even care how the game is played, so long as people are buying it and having fun with it. That is, after all, the real point of the game.

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Saber off = peace, "lamers", no chat killing etc. ****ing destroyed this game.


You think that is an exaggeration?


Go find me 10 saber only servers where people don't piss, moan and whine about that silly bull**** and do not have 989786876387387 other stupid *** rules.


Both FK servers, div3rse and =X=.

There I gave you 4; you only need to find me 6 out of 500.


Bet you can't do it.



It is almost utterly impossible to simply log onto a saber only server and just friggen PLAY with out getting banned/slept/kicked/w/e and has been this way for about a year.


Take this stupid RPG crap,


add a 12 year old noob admin with a grudge against anyone better than him,


toss in a mod (Jedi Academy mod) who's maker KNOWS his mod is used primarily by ***hole admins to screw with people (in an almost identical fashion as client side hacks in other games) but turns a blind eye so he can say he has "the most popular mod in JK2" (OGC is pretty damn popular in Counter-Strike but does it make it right what people do with it?)



What do you get?


One seriously ****ed up "community" where the poor fool who just bought this game and simply wants to PLAY IT ONLINE can't do so because we gets turned into a bunny and banned 3 seconds after he connects to almost every damn server.

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LOL... FK and G//, it doesnt surprise me that you guys bash RPG players... heck, half of you guys at TWL bash anyone who comes to LF... Now I done play RPG in JKII, but I see no reason why assholes like you guys need to constantly bag on them for doing what they enjoy. You guys claim they "take this game to seriously" yet you guys act like dickheads to any new person to TWL... you guys play this FPS so much that you think your all that matters. Im sick of you guys treating people like crap because you have enough time on your hands to get good at an FPS, play it untill your pritty good, and than insist on everyone else being a "noob" because they have jobs/girlfriend/wifes and better things to do than sit on a game for an entire day. You guys live on this game, and what goes on around it. if you looked at yourself, you would realize you no better than any of these RPG "newbies". You all think your so hard, because you can play a videogame, belittle anyone with less "skill" than you, and you can curse anyone out faster than they can say hi.


Words of advice from Me, and the rest of rok who will most likely be playing in TWL for JKIII, Chill out, dont take this game so seriously, dont treat people who dont have the same Ideas/Opinions like crap.

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I agree a lot of people at TWL are pricks, but neither FK nor g// fall into that category.


Actually I would not put the majority of top players in that list.


The only TWL people who really do the "fu" thing to new people are the second rate gunners/saber players who can't smack talk the top clans because they get owned, so they pick on new players.


Hell only one member of FK even posts at TWL and he only bashes the newbie gunners who are too stupid to put 2 + 2 and = that desnipa is playing them like fools.


Take a look at this:




Look at the first reply.

Sound like someone trying to insult a person?

Look like a clan member gloating over newbies?

Nope, looks like a dude trying to help a new guy from where I stand.


I can't speak for people in g// but I can speak for FK when I say we as a whole have 0 problem with people and how they choose to enjoy this game.


(keep in mind when I bash "RPG noobs" I'm talking about the loud/foul mouthed saber off = peace idiots who preach "honor" but do not hesitate to call you a mother****** when you kill them. I am not talking about true role players)


The problem we *do have is when people run off at the mouth and insult us simply because we can play a silly game better than them.



We don't go around from server to server looking to insult or embarrass people, but when we get called every four letter word in the book by some bitter newbie simply because he has no clue what he is doing and wants to vent his frustration on us, you bet your ass he's going to get owned, demo'd and made fun of.


If you talk thrash, back it up. If not, don't get mad when you get owned and made fun of publicly.


Every one of those demos media & fallen posted were a direct result of our guys just playing on a server and as usual, within a few minutes here come the insults.


So our guys raped them and made fun of them in public.


But they did not mock them for their ability (or lack of), they were mocked because of their attitudes and the way they treat people.


If you think people should be allowed to act like ***holes and run off at the mouth and never have to step up and back up the trash talk, well I’m sorry but that’s a really chicken**** way of looking at things.


btw you seem quite hostile towards FK, were you on one of those demos getting owned?


Just curious.


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Read the topic... perhaps I took what they said wrong?

No, I've never been owned by FK... I played FK Fallen Knight back in the JC2 days, and he cryed all the time... besides that I have no problem with FK.... I was on TWL before FK ever came on the set and it hasnt seemed to change. But hey, perhaps my mind will change when we play the JA ladder... so untill then.

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You know what, I apologize. It seems that we're not disagreeing so much as we're talking about completely different sets of people. I'm not talking about the people that demand "saber off= peace", or "no chat killing" or anything like that. I'm talking about people on RP servers where they play their character as if it was an RP game, be it pencil and paper, style or MMORPG style, just using the Outcast multiplayer as a graphical medium as opposed to a chatroom or message board.


This type of roleplaying I've not seen often, and not at all in many months, since like shortly after the game was new. I'm talking team games where two seperate sides are defending their base while attempting to invade the opposing side's base. Stuff that Forcemod II would be perfect for as people could choose classes and play accordingly.


As for rules like no "saber down" or "chat killing", I think those rules do have a time and a place, but not on every freaking server (Let's face it, it takes no skill to kill someone who's either AFK or trying to say something. Of course, if they're doing it on an FFA server that doesn't have a server rule enforced by the admins, then they're an idiot for not expecting it). Just like the 'saber only' and 'no force powers' settings that take up far too many of JO's servers.


And on crappy server admins, since JO lets anyone make a server, you're gonna run into 12 year olds with inferiority complexes. My solution? Go to another server. I've found plenty of good ones. Sometimes just means you have to bounce between a few to find one.

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I think the reason most FFA games have no fighting going on as they are all so scared of getting kicked off the server, as soon as you swing that saber some one cries lamer.


also i think they dont like to be seen being owned by a good player on there own server lol

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

Pretty much like most Counter-Strike servers then XD

I play on blue yonder CS servers the only people that get kicked banned from them servers are cheats and team killers/also if your racist you get banned from there to.

but have been lucky with CS only been banned once.. but after a quick chat to the admin got it revoked


edit: to keep this kind of on subject... any one seen RPG in CS :p

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FK servers are always empty now *tear*

g// is fun, cause my clan is admin so i can get them to change it to whatever i want

i really enjoy div3rse clan server, minus div members cause half of them are pricks (wheres aoshi at?)

=X= clan server is usually empty, but its a laugh when it has some people in it. could do without the anti-tpk mod.


other than that, im just gonna copy/paste this from the kaoticz forum. i know RPing and being an advocat of "SABER DOWN N3WB!!!1" and "OMFG LAEMR" are not the same thing, but they go hand in hand.


heres the c/p


whats worse than NF duellers? NF duellers on FF duel servers!

my favourites:

people changing name to >NO FORCE<

being called a lamer for tpking, or using absorb


*BONUS* being called a lamer for not bowing

*BONUS BONUS* being banned from a server my an admin that just connected, and saw that i had won 45 straight duels, so he decided i was scripting (without watching me play). i was banned on the spot.


i love duel narbs. they are my best friends.

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where's yer sig u stupid gook :p


anyway i have no problem with NF players. its the phags that go off on everyone else that i want to burn in hell...but that's another story. i've even started to NF again (i was one of the better duelers when i actually played nf back in the day) and i enjoy going to the lighterside and darkside servers to see how i can do. i haven't found a single jackass yet.

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I used to do a fair bit of roleplaying in the original Jedi Knight, aside from my "leet" playing with "nf sabz" : ). I dont see the big deal....I mean sheesh the guys had a server specifically for roleplaying.


Me, I dont like roleplayers in my matches that go against server rules. And I honestly havent come across it. Ive never had anyone come in and say " Well...what a strange area..my senses tell me that something is wrong", and then start attacking and roleplaying in a fully FFA non rpg server...


"Laming" is something ive learned to slowly agree with. I have my own rules and regulations regarding this. I'll bow if you bow, simple as that. If I dont feel like it dont whine. I certainly won't be. I try not to kill people with chat box up, but if I do it on accident the admins usually understand ( at least at the servers I frequent), but if I do it openly for no reason at all other than to get a quick score then I get booted. I'll curse myself for getting caught and apologize, simple as that....

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what makes you think that just because they have a server to RP on that

a.) they wont RP on FFA servers where people are playing

b.)if other RPGers dont have a server they gotta do it somewhere


by the way, if you dont wanna get type killed, dont type.


i hate it when people stand on the pad and have their little /tell convos or whatever. dont treat the game like an msn chat room.

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Obi-Wan X, Radd, ZDawg, (definantly NOT Ic0n!) you all got some really good points (we got some future lawers in here :p). You guys are taking the words right out of my mouth!!


Now, I've never heard of someone being kicked/banned just for having high scores. But the bottom line is, servers will do what they please. If you don't like a server, leave and never come back. Cross it off your list of "do-not-go-to" servers. But if you don't obey the server rules, expect a consequence. You learn this kind of thing in Kindergarden.

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Originally posted by ic0n

what makes you think that just because they have a server to RP on that

a.) they wont RP on FFA servers where people are playing

b.)if other RPGers dont have a server they gotta do it somewhere


by the way, if you dont wanna get type killed, dont type.


i hate it when people stand on the pad and have their little /tell convos or whatever. dont treat the game like an msn chat room.

What makes you think you have the right to say how afew people play a video game? grow up man.


If they have thier own server, sweet, at least they can afford one (unlike half the other clans out there). If they DONT have a server, who cares? if they wanna RPG on an FFA server, let'em there hundreds more you can go to.

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

Now, I've never heard of someone being kicked/banned just for having high scores. But the bottom line is, servers will do what they please. If you don't like a server, leave and never come back. Cross it off your list of "do-not-go-to" servers. But if you don't obey the server rules, expect a consequence. You learn this kind of thing in Kindergarden.


do you not see a problem with only 1 out of every 200 public (key word is public, remember these people try to enforce this crap on any and all servers no matter where they go) servers being places where people can just log on and play?


Really think about it.


Let's say a new game comes out on Friday called <whatever>.


You get home, open it up and connect to a server and the second you try to do anything you get put to "sleep" and have some guy standing over you calling you a **ggot and a lame ass noob.



Huh? WTF? I just want to play this game I bought!???


See my point now?


These dumb ass little rules destroyed a once thriving community.

Sure you will have people pissed off and leaving every time a patch comes out, JK2 is no different than any other game.


People claim Counter-Strike is now "dead' every time a new patch comes out, they did the same in all 3 quakes, so a "patch exodus" is expected in any game.


But when you simply are not allowed to *play at all on almost any server, why the hell would a person want to remain in a "community"?


The "go to another server if you don't like it" argument is crap.


When a player has to search 200 servers just to find one *single one where he is allowed to actually play, you are going to make that person so frustrated over not being able to play this game he bought that he will simply say "**** it" and move on to another game where people are allowed to play it.

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Originally posted by ZDawg

LOL... FK and G//, it doesnt surprise me that you guys bash RPG players... heck, half of you guys at TWL bash anyone who comes to LF... Now I done play RPG in JKII, but I see no reason why assholes like you guys need to constantly bag on them for doing what they enjoy. You guys claim they "take this game to seriously" yet you guys act like dickheads to any new person to TWL... you guys play this FPS so much that you think your all that matters. Im sick of you guys treating people like crap because you have enough time on your hands to get good at an FPS, play it untill your pritty good, and than insist on everyone else being a "noob" because they have jobs/girlfriend/wifes and better things to do than sit on a game for an entire day. You guys live on this game, and what goes on around it. if you looked at yourself, you would realize you no better than any of these RPG "newbies". You all think your so hard, because you can play a videogame, belittle anyone with less "skill" than you, and you can curse anyone out faster than they can say hi.


Words of advice from Me, and the rest of rok who will most likely be playing in TWL for JKIII, Chill out, dont take this game so seriously, dont treat people who dont have the same Ideas/Opinions like crap.




You know nothing about fk or g// so plz stfu. Thanks.


(BTW I'm not in g// anymore so don't think I'm just sticking up for my clan) You just saw a few posts on some forums and decided that g// and fk were assholes. Get the facts before making these assumptions.


As for RPGing, I find it funny and just like to poke fun at it. I have nothing against RPers unless they come to an FFA and try to make everyone RP.


The only part of the JK2 community I hate are the ones who try to restrict me from playing the game that I paid for and try to enforce their anti-playing rules on servers that don't follow these rules.

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