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Andre Belnap

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Hi there everyone! This is my very first post ever, so i'd like to welcome myself to the jedi outcast forums. (does that sound arrogant?) I've bee browsing the forums for about a week now and decided i'd like to join. I've never done this before. At any rate, jedi oucast rocks! I've been a star wars fan since about the time I entered high school (6 years now). I first dicovered Dark Forces when I was thirteen (I had the demo), but I didn't buy it till I was fifteen. On account of my seriously video game deprvied life (curse my parent's anti-gaming feelings) I only aquired the origional Jedi Knight four months ago. After beating that, I looked into Jedi oucast by getting the demo online. The graphics just totally blew me away. I knew I had to have this game. So I'v had it for a few weeks now, i'm still in my first play-through (beat Cairn Assembly this morning). Can't hardly wait for Jedi academy.

By the way, anyone looking for info on the star wars universe (via the novels), feel free to ask me. Out of the seventy something novels, I've read more than fifty(several more than twice) including the latest New Jedi Order novel.


Glad to finally be up and running in the gaming universe, this is Kharad Donn signing out!


P.S. where can i find info on how to edit a mod wireframe?

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Welcome to the forums Kharad! :D

Glad to hear you're swooping your way through the DF series, just in time for the release of Jedi Academy ;)


Incidentally, have you read the Dark Forces novels? I've read the first two but I'm having trouble getting hold of the last one. Highly recommended though!


Anyways, welcome again, have fun!

And remember, saber-off = peace (JOKE)



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And I'd like to welcome myself as another new member.


I never used to keep my PC up to date but recently decided to go the whole hog and in the process put a nice up to date and tasty graphics card in place. This then meant it was worth purchasing games such as JK2 and I have been really impressed. I have played the SP right through on each of the first three difficulty levels (struggling on the last one though) and when I got broadband installed I thought I'd go MP.


Now I need some advice on playing MP. Anything would be welcome. I have read through some of the Kurgans guide (on advice read here thanks very much) and that was useful but I'm not sure I've found everything. I just need a little more advice, or links to advice if appropriate in the following areas:


1) Ettiquette i.e. the "saber-down = peace", "sitting = peace" (BTW how on earth do you sit!!!), bowing before combat, sabers vs guns etc. etc.

2) Moves and Attacks - I have read the scripting posts and have decided I'd rather try to master them myself but cannot find much info on the key combinations.


If I'm being dumb and I just haven't looked hard enough then please point me in the right direction of where to look.


Any help greatly appreciated.

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Actually I realised I only answered my own question 2.


Any advice on Q1 - Ettiquette?


From looking in some other posts its a touchy subject and may even be server-specific. If thats the case is it obvious on the server or do I have to go looking for it?

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LOL, it's pretty much up to you. Personally, I bow before a duel, it's just like a sign of being ready, y'know? But that's about it really.


Some servers have a "no saber=peace" on the loading screen, but generally, it's a matter of common sense. If someone's gripping you with their saber down, enough said: 'Ave 'em. If two people are talking in a remote part of the map and you run up and slice them both, you can probably expect a whupping if there's an admin about. But hey, they can only "ban" you ;) Oooh! Scary! :p


It's like life really, if you show respect to people, you'll be treated better for it. Generally.

But you'll pick it up as you go along. Just remember you can't please everybody.



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Origionally posted by blackout [incedentally, have you ever read the Dark Forces novels?]


Actually, yes I have. There were three I believe. I enjoyed them, They were fairly well written. It gives an interesting view into Kyle's life, and helps explain his anti-empire feelings.



By the way, if any of you were wondering about my name, the last name, Donn, comes from a novel (see x-wing, iron fist). The first name is one of my own invention. Kharad Donn is an rpg character I created four years ago and never used. He was a sith until his master killed his best friend, now he has forsaken the dark ways and follows the light. I hope to create an mp skin for him soon. (one dark side skin, another skin for light side.) Does anyone know where I can find out how to create a wireframe for a cape?

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Well, I took the advice and I seem to be progressing.


I went into CTF games originally, and whilst they were OK there was little in the way of skill going on, just lots of obvious scripting and very one-dimensional game play (don't know quite what I was expecting :p ).


However I have spent some time in some good FFA servers and I certainly seem to be getting better, I don't get my butt whipped quite as quickly and even win a few.


Hard to find a good server though, lots of people just want to challenge the "top dog", not too many want to help a newbie but a few do.


Thanks to anyone I've met in the last few days, even if you kicked my butt I still learned something.


Many thanks from "DarkLady".

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Originally posted by Bladedog

just lots of obvious scripting


what do you mean! as i get called a scripter a lot... and the only 3 scrips i use is 1st turn on the recording 2ed turn off recording 3ed Taunt.



so some times obvious scripting some times is not.

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1) Ettiquette i.e. the "saber-down = peace", "sitting = peace" (BTW how on earth do you sit!!!), bowing before combat, sabers vs guns etc. etc.

2) Moves and Attacks - I have read the scripting posts and have decided I'd rather try to master them myself but cannot find much info on the key combinations.


My advice, join servers and play (once you've beaten those bots to a bloody pulp and they are no challenge anymore of course).


The 1st "rule" is not really a rule. It's rather a made up contrivance that is completely voluntary.


Respect the rules of the servers you join, but just remember that if you ever don't agree, you can always leave and join another server with rules you like better, or create your own.


Most servers do not have this rule, but a few saber only sabers do. Read the Message of the Day and the title to see. Usually when people say "bow" they mean either hitting the crouch button or moving the mouse quickly up and down (to make it look like you're nodding your head).


I never bow, except occasionally as a joke, because I think it's goofy and silly how people expect you to do it as if its part of the game. If you want to let people know you're "ready to fight" or something, simply swinging your saber in their direction should be good enough (and that's what I do in duels).


"Sitting" (kissing, spinning, etc) and all of that garbage are commonly called "emotes." These are special animations (ripped straight from single player) that are part of mods (JK2 has no emotes in it from the start) such as the infamous JediMod and other mods that use them.


The trouble with emote based mods is some of them make you invincible (or mostly invincible.. only kicks can hurt you) which is pathetically stupid. It can so easily be abused by people who use them to avoid being killed in a duel for example, or they waste people's time "sitting" instead of playing. I think they are a waste of time. JA will have emotes, but as long as you can still kill the person doing them, I don't care if people use them.


Not relying on scripting is a good idea, especially when you're starting out. Just like using Speed Dial on your phone, it tends to promote laziness, and eventually it'll make you rusty. Most people agree that a person with fast (ie: trained) reflexes can do the moves better than scripting anyway (and scripts are not 100% effective in all situations anyway).


Now "scripting" as people talk about it usually applies to moves, but it can also be useful for binding stuff to say to people (like a private message that you need help at base in a CTF game) and stuff like that.


Some people consider scripting cheating, others don't have a problem with it. I see it as an impractical substitute for skill when it comes to using moves.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Yeah! What he said...four times in a row! :rolleyes:


****, sorry about that. Really.

The page wasn't loading when I clicked submit, so I (evidently) hit it four times. Opening another browser 10 minutes later, my post still hadn't been submitted, so I just thought I'd not bother. Hence I didn't check X hours later to find I'd actually posted 4 times. Again, sorry folks :(


Seems to happen quite a lot with LF...



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OK so heres a question for you about a move I keep seeing particularly in CTF.


Guys appear to be able to move away from me, even with level 3 set in force speed, by "bouncing". Now I know that some moves look like something else due to lag or whatever (like when people appear to glide along in a hunched over stance because they are rolling along but the server can't keep up) but these guys look like they are jumping, just in very very small jumps and in a continuous sequence, it looks like they are bouncing.


So is that a move that I've yet to read about or is it a script or what? Anybody know?

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Originally posted by Bladedog

OK so heres a question for you about a move I keep seeing particularly in CTF.


Guys appear to be able to move away from me, even with level 3 set in force speed, by "bouncing". Now I know that some moves look like something else due to lag or whatever (like when people appear to glide along in a hunched over stance because they are rolling along but the server can't keep up) but these guys look like they are jumping, just in very very small jumps and in a continuous sequence, it looks like they are bouncing.


So is that a move that I've yet to read about or is it a script or what? Anybody know?

its strife jumping next time your on try it (its very easy so no need for binds) ok try it with out speed at first to get the feel for it, then start jumping (just tap jump as you dont want to jump to high) ok with your jumping you need to be pressing forward (of corse ) and also left or right strife button... ajust your angle of view so you run strait :) thats strife jumping, i can run faster with that than some on using speed :)

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