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How to kill a reborn...

Andre Belnap

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I'd like to get some opinions here...


What is the best (easiest) way to kill a reborn in sp vs. the funnest way to kill a reborn in sp?


My personal favorites are:

Best (easiest)- use force grip to get them in the air, then saber throw! Usually kills right away.


Funnest- Actually engage in a duel, get some real saber action. Usually I get the reborn to chase me while I run backwards, then, when he's in my face i sidestep (strafe left or right) while pressing the primary fire button. My saber goes right under his and through his middle. Hit him two or three times and he's dead.


I use both methods depending on my mood, but I hardly ever get touched. (of course I am playing on padawan, that may have something to do with it.)

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You're the one playing, just kill them however you want. What I like to do with the easy orange Reborns, I just stand there, while he hacks away. I block every swing, and the Reborn often drops his Lightsaber in the process. So while he is standing there waiting for his Lightsaber to return, just one good swing at him and he's dead. Take that you Sith-wannabe! I DON'T FEAR YOU!

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Best way: As mentioned above, grip a Reborn and throw your saber at him while gripping, assuming Force powers are at level 3. (doesn't always work on the first try! Depends on the Reborn)


Funniest way:


Approach a Reborn that's standing near a ledge or pit. Grip him with Force level 3 grip and position him off the edge. It's a win-win situation; he doesn't shake you off, you choke him to death and he falls screaming. If he breaks free...well, he still falls to his death screaming.;)


Actually, for my maximum Reborn-killing experience, I like playing the Kyle's Nightmare SP level. There's one room where there's about ten blue Reborns in a room with walkways overlooking lava. I simply run around the perimeter ledges, and eventually all of the Reborn will fall into the lava. I cracked up the first time I did that, hearing Reborn screams behind me as I ran around.:p Then there's the one room I call the Bug Zapper, with the electrified posts and about twelve Shadowtroopers. It works on the same concept; just run around, careful to avoid the obstacles, and the enemies will take themselves out for you.

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That or turn on Force Speed, then switch to fists, and punch them to death. Hehe


I wonder if in JA it will be possible to decap somebody as you kick them off a ledge? That'd rock... maybe possible with the Saberstaff since it has a move that looks like it could do that.


; )

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It's a "cheat" for Single Player.


Add the following lines to your cfg file (or type them in, in the console):


bind <key1> "give weaponnum 14"

bind <key2> "weapon 14"



(Where <key1> is the first key, and <key2> is the second key you want to use)


Then in game (after typing DEVMAPALL in console if necessary), hit <key1> then <key2> and you can use fists!


No mods needed. Also you get both primary and secondary (left and right) punches. Try it with Speed... hilarious!


Good for taking out surrendered guys too...



It was so cool of Raven to include them, even after they said they wouldn't. ; )

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Heh, just thought of another funny way to kill them...


using the setforceall 9 code, mind trick a Reborn and have him walk off of a cliff. Hilarious!:D


Or better yet:


enable noflag

use setforceall 9 code.

mind trick a Reborn.

use setforceall 0 code (disables Force. Now you can control the Reborn as long as you want!)


Have him run up and kill another enemy. The other enemies will start shooting/slashing at him. Great fun!

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With the NPCs in SP you can leave your saber sheathed and still make easy kills. Just grip your enemy, lift them straight up into the air, then force-push just as you release them. This will launch them so high in that the fall kills them. You do need Grip 3 and Push 3. And you have to be quick about it against higher-level Reborn and Shadowtroopers. It even works on Tavion if you're quick enough.

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This is the BEST WAY!!!





helpusobi 1

g_saberrealisticcombat 1

bind Alt give all

bind "a lot of letter keys" to jedis/jedif/jeditrainer/ljeditrainer2/luke/rereborn/rebornboss/rebornforceuser/rebornacrobat/dessan/tavion/stormtrooper/rebel/lando/ and any random non attacking elementa such as droids, mon mothma, etc...


(instead of alt if u want use any other easily accesable keys, this is for quick force and life fill up)


After this procedure you can set up great jedi and gunning battles or if you want at the same time. Also, my favorite, you can find HORDES of reborn to test your "crowd control" skills. (piece of advice, don't summon more then 4 rebornmasters, their gripping love will murder you even if you are the greatest gunner/jedi in thee world, its just to many lightsabers will impale you while you try to defend agaisnt grip)


Why this is fun?


g_saberrealisticcombat 1 command will ensure a great number of decapitating, dismembering, practicaly 1 hit fun (this seriously scales up the damage, I once had my defense broken by a mere reborn and was cut in half, litteraly, with 1 swing while having full health and 1/2 shields) fights with an equal risk for the player!


Also, this way you can find out the most evil ways to kill our second favorite enemy in Starwars Universe after Stormies, the REBORN!!!


Btw, while using this procedure i found out something interesting...


JediF, the seemingly weakest of the Jedi class, ownz ANY reborn 1 on 1, kicks TAVIONS ARSE 2 on 1, and en masse of 8 or 10 can even kill DESSAN. A group of 5 lukes is invincible unless you try to help the baddies in the fight or summon 3 dessans...


On the note, take advantage of forcelighting push effect to gain an advantage on the ledges.


Another evil tactic is to push down a reborn and throw light saber. It will keep spinning overhim until he gets up and then the only remaining part of him will be a pair of legs...


More fun advice! Set it Slow Motion (settings) to frequent, and after you kill a single enemy, as the body parts begin to fly off and the SM is activated, force push for a GREAT screanshot.


Jumping up and force pulling is your biggest friend in making sure that once stormies fly up, only their pieces and full but soon to be dead bodies fly down with screams!



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Just thought of one more... (this will be the last;) )


enable cheats (devmapall)

enable notarget

setforceall 9

spawn a minemonster and mind trick him.

setforceall 0 to control him as long as you want.

start biting Reborn. It's hilarious watching a big, bad Reborn getting bitten to death.

Kinda gives new meaning to the Black Knight's quote, "I'll bite your legs off!";)

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Oh, thats simple...



Just summon a bunch of jedis, then a mon mothma, murder her, have every jedi run after you with murderous swings, and drop mon mothmas on the way and hope that they will kill 1 of them. THen enjoy the carnage

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On weak Reborn, grip him and while in air, push him. Watch his head hit the ground.

On Strong reborn/Shadowtroopers, tap speed and slash him, Matrix Style.


Fun way: (Especialy, on weak reborn summoned by Npc spawn code!)

Disable always run in the menu and spawn reborn and engage them, movie style!


A question, does anybody know the code where running is disabled when attacking? Thanx!

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Easiest (imo): Speed + slashes or grip + cliff -.-


Funniest (imo): let him jump at you, then perform a medium style flip attack (that one special move) and cut his head off (my tip: cairn_dock1, right before entering the lift bringing you to the Doomgiver - a lot of crates there...). Even funnier with both standing on crates or rocks...

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I dont know if anyone has said it yet, but the jedi cannon works great...

Hold them above your head with grip, than let go and let them fall a bit, than use push ans launch then into the air. If done right they will come screaming to the ground and die.

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