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Your Favorite Lightsaber Style

Jedi Elite2003

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Do you mean favorite, what I'll use first, or what I'll use?

Because for favorite, I'd say the dual sabers would look the best. :)

I've liked dual sabers since Boc. :)


What I'll use first?

The dual, again.


What I'll actually use when fragging?

No idea. I figure I'll play through single player three times, one with each style saber, and then I'll make my final choice. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even tho most ppl are complaining about the staff is too strong i still think its really good and since i switched from dual to staff im happy with the results. You need to be crazy good to kill fast with the dual sabers, but staff is awsome. Can you switch saber styles in multiplayer?

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Single saber-yellow stance. Yesturday I spent a few hours on the JK2 duel servers showing people the power of yellow. I never came in first place but I could match up with the best player on the server who used red. It really is easy to just sidestep a red attack or dfa and just hack away for 2-3 seconds. If yellow damage was upped 5 or 10 points I might even consider it to be fair .


Still I will continue using yellow in JA although I may dabble in dual sabers once in a while because...they are cool looking.

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I'm having a hard time choosing between single fast and dual sabers, the saberstaff is cool and all but you need to spin alot to be effective, and most of the special moves are spins, so you're open to attack alot. I like the duals because they are very effective but they don't have very good defense. The single fast is nice, because its got great defense, if you go one on one with a weak enemy you can finish them quick with a pull then jab, but its kinda crappy against 3 or more other saber weilding enemies. Single strong is too slow, although the sideways air cartwheel attack is very deadly. Single medium, if I wanted to use medium I would use a saber staff, so I could either use staff or single medium without moves, the medium moves suck anyway, its got a sky attack that is too high above enemies, a backward slash that rarely ever hits, and a force pull slice that dosen't even kill. I have to play with single for a while before I get to choose duals anyway so I'll see...

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