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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/21 in all areas

  1. I still fondly remember installing my PC version of Psychonauts with five, count 'em five, CDs. That nonsense was exclusive to the U.S., I guess because some smart-alecks showed Majesco a study that claimed a significant number of domestic consumers didn't yet have a DVD-ROM drive. I find it highly dubious that anybody with the specs to run that game in 2005 didn't almost by definition have a DVD-ROM, but I enioyed the unintentional throwback to the diskette days all the same.
    1 point
  2. The WinUAE and FS-UAE Amiga emulators come with faux disk-sounds. ;
    1 point
  3. Force aspect ratio correction will stretch 320x200 games to 320x240 so you get the right aspect ratio, but since 240 isn't divisible by 200 you end up with some of the original pixels being twice the height of the others. It looks a bit uneven. The pixels of 320x200 games were 1.2 times as tall as wide, or 1.2:1. They weren't square. Ideally, these games should be run at 1600x1200. 1600 / 320 = 5 and 1200 / 200 = 6 so each original pixel would be scaled up to be 5 pixels wide and 6 pixels tall. Since 6 / 5 = 1.2, they would then keep their original shape. In ScummVM, OpenGL can do this because it performs aspect ratio correction and rescaling in one pass. The problem is that the GUI doesn't allow you to specify a resolution directly. You have to resize the window manually and hope it hits on the right resolution. DOSBox lets you set the resolution directly in its config file.
    1 point
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