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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/22 in Posts

  1. My memory is little muddy on details but i think i played LeChuck's Revenge first time few years later than it came out.
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Personally I think a more direct continuation could have been like: Big Whoop smashing open let whatever crazy magic inside it seep out It's the presence of Big Whoop that interferes with LeChuck's spell to transport Guybrush into another dimension The longer Guybrush and LeChuck stay near the ruins of the chest, the more the Big Whoop magic permeates and the weirder things get (brother, parents, fairground, etc.) Elaine appears in the Big Whoop dimension and helps him remember that he's not a kid The two of them try to escape back to reality but Guybrush is tricked by LeChuck Instead of transporting himself and Elaine out of Big Whoop... he transports LeChuck and himself to where LeChuck wanted to send Guybrush originally... Hell! In Hell LeChuck is lauded for his behaviour on Earth and immediately given a position of power... Unfortunately for Guybrush, all LeChuck wants to do is torture Guybrush for eternity Fortunately for Guybrush there's some sort of technicality with his life and he's not immediately condemned Stan is also there in Hell... having died after Guybrush nailed him in his coffin Stan doesn't care, though -- he's unflappable, he's always looking for another scam to run in order to get some power in Hell Guybrush needs to escape Hell, but when he tries to leave he discovers he can't because he doesn't have a spiritual essence (after LeChuck destroyed it in MI2) The lack of spiritual essence is why they don't know what to do with him in Hell... a bit of good luck Much of the game is spent with Guybrush trying to get his spiritual essence back At some point he meets his own spiritual essence in Hell... But he has to be careful... once he has his essence back he back be tortured for eternity, but without it he can't escape Guybrush finds himself incredibly annoying and unpredictable to deal with (like other characters found Guybrush on earth) Eventually Guybrush does escape and finds himself back on Dinky... Elaine is waiting outside... they reunite. The power of Big Whoop is mostly gone... but there's still odd moments here and there Back in Hell LeChuck is blamed for Guybrush's escape Stan has spent the game scamming everyone in Hell and is locked up next to LeChuck... forcing LeChuck to spend eternity listening to him The end
    2 points
  4. I had Secret only in English, Revenge in German. At one point I wrote Secret into a short novel, using my translated dialogs, when I was around 10-12 😂
    1 point
  5. That's one of the original key designs I think... I really liked them.
    1 point
  6. As I read your post I was getting ready to post "Yeah! Like, just look at Princess Bride!" and then you mention it yourself. Although, being on Monkey Island board and thinking of Princess Bride isn't inconceivable. It could even be considered one of the classic blunders not to! On the topic of a parody, I don't think it's a parody in the classic sense. I'd put it rather as a comedy adventure, more like maybe Last Crusade, less like Airplane! which is a spoof of a specific film and similar works. SMI is to me (now literally) a theme park coming alive in the imagination of a child, full of wonder and simplified, romantizised pirate stuff.
    1 point
  7. The best Monkey Island tabletop game is The Princess Bride Adventure Book Game, where you play different characters in key scenes of the film, but you're basically playing as the grandfather trying to keep his grandson's interest. If anyone is aware of a more Monkey Island tabletop game, please let me know.
    1 point
  8. Something being a satire or self aware doesn’t mean you as the audience shouldn’t or can’t feel genuine attachment to the characters. (I can’t tell if that is being argued or not but it’s sort of implied by @karmo. Apologies if I’m misreading what you were implying. This is more of a side thought than a direct response to anything!) I think Monkey Island 1 is definitely a send up of a bunch of pirate and adventure tropes, but it’s also a story where (for many players) the stakes end up feeling like they matter. You want guybrush to succeed and beat lechuck, for Guybrush and Elaine to get together (especially if you see their scene on the docks). The game being a send-up doesn’t mean you have to keep an ironic detachment from the characters; their wants and needs are genuine, they don’t know they’re in a send-up.* The Princess Bride is probably the cleanest example of this - even though the kid knows he’s being told a story, and even though the characters themselves seem to occasionally know they’re existing in a trope filled adventure story, everyone in all layers of the story and meta story are rooting for them to succeed in the end. *though Roger Rabbit rules do apply: they occasionally know they’re in a game but “only when it’s funny.”
    1 point
  9. I have feeling we both write in adventuregamers.com forum and do it under different usernames than we use here. Anyway, wannabe pirate going to trials etc. is subversion of stereotype of pirate like afro-american sheriff in Blazing Saddles is subversion of stereotype of sheriff in westerns. Circus that pirates visit subverts pirates as tough people stereotype. Monetizing pirate theme is satire on very same thing that inspired this games, Disney parks. (Meathook having hooks for both hands and way he lost them is itself another joke this time about stereotypical pirate handicaps. Jokes about those handicaps keep popping up in future games, both Ron's and other designers').
    1 point
  10. Well, I have heard MI1 compared to the parody film Airplane! before. I do kind of see your point, but... Out of all the pirate and adventure stories that Secret pulls from ... What do The Three Trials of piracy parody? What does the circus and cannon-firing sequence parody? What do the references to past tourism parody (Meathook, Swordmaster, the Monkey Head)? Buying a ship from Stan comes from an actual used car salesman... is this an adventure/pirate trope that gets parodied? What about using a voodoo spell to reach a mystery island instead of conventionally sailing there? What about the hell caverns of faces, hands, and mushrooms, and the bad guy's ghost ship anchored in lava? And using this criteria, can we call King's Quest a parody game? Defeating a dragon with a bucket of water, and all that?
    1 point
  11. I don't really have a priority list, as I just continue working on what I feel like that day. Zak is close to done, so that's probably coming next. Maniac Mansion is quite far along as well. I'm still missing more scans for Outlaws and I'll probably get some better scans for EfMI soon. I've played around with logo removal on The Dig and Loom, so those might get an update further down the line as well. Apart from that, there are no immediate further plans. What myriad of unscanned covers/posters are you referring to?
    1 point
  12. ✨👀✨ 👕 I beat #Mojole #217 and all I got was this stupid t-shirt. 2/6 🖤🖤💛🖤💚 💚💚💚💚💚 https://funzone.mixnmojo.com/Mojole/
    1 point
  13. I like this a lot, I had to think of Marius' 'I wonder what happens in...': ' I'm Guybrush Threepwood and I am dead, wait, am I singing? Laaaaaa!'
    1 point
  14. It was gradual and kind of beautiful, as an English-speaker playing it blind. 1. First you encounter the Grog Machine. Root beer is kind of memorable (funny?) because it's the only thing that isn't a type of grog, but the grog is clearly Coca-Cola. You are still early in the game and have a lot more time left. It is very unlikely to be your last sitting. 2. You eventually hear about a very, very rare root (or antiroot, sometimes) that can be weaponized to kill ghosts. It's the last one in existence. You are far into the game but still have more puzzles to solve, which might take time. It is probably not your last sitting. 3. The cannibals weaponize your root as a carbonated liquid in a seltzer bottle, and they mention it goes good with ice cream. You are near the end of the game and don't really have puzzles anymore. You are probably going to finish the game in this sitting. 4. Guybrush and Elaine openly call the potion "root beer" when threatening ghosts. Your game is almost over. 5. Guybrush gets his new root beer from that same Grog Machine you looked at probably on the first or second day you played the game. For me? I didn't even start to realize my magic root was going to be ordinary root beer until #3 on that list, and even then my brain was thinking in terms of "this is very rare and magical" and also "this is ordinary soda" simultaneously, somehow. And my brain didn't even remember the Grog Machine version until the very end, when Guybrush landed in it, and my brain completely made the switch to "this is ordinary soda". I think it helps that I hadn't looked at the Grog Machine in literally months, since I was playing straight. And by the time the cannibals made their "root beer" references clear, I was basically at the end.
    1 point
  15. Ugh I'm so excited for tonight to finally play Return! Couldn't resist drawing a whole bunch of character yesterday
    1 point
  16. I've finally gotten around to gathering all the memo's and letters from Monkey Island™ and I've collected my paper crafted replicas too. I wrote the "legalese" for the rest of the letter. To: Herman Toothrot From: Yammer, Hem, and Haw, attorneys at law Re: Suit against cannibal tribe over malicious tossing of your oars into a chasm. I think we have a case here. We can probably soak them for emotional distress and possibly punitive damages as well. “Hmm. Sounds like Legalese. I don't think I can translate the rest.” Casus contra anthropophagos difficile est probare sine causa adducendi ad iudicium. Ex nostris monumentis monstraris in insula remota vivere solum cum anthropophagis et pirata larvae Lechuck loqui. Cum hic progreditur casus, vehementer commendamus ut omnes verbales et scriptae communicationes cum Anthropophagis desineres. Opus est ut artissimum iudicium de altero iudiciorum trium insularum interesse debeas; Judex PLANK. praesidebit. Should you require an inter-island visit pre case, please inform our office. Any return mail should be sent in the accompanying bottle. Yours Yammer, Hem and Haw P.S. Please allow 3-5 years for reply, the tides between here and Monkey Island™ can be unpredictable. Latin Translation: The case against the cannibals may be difficult to prove without the case being brought before a court of law. From our records you are shown to live on a remote island with only the cannibals and the ghost pirate Lechuck to speak with. Whilst this case progresses we would heartly recommend that you cease all verbal and written communications with the cannibals. You may need to attend the closest court for judgement on another of the Tri-Island courts, Judge PLANK. will preside.
    1 point
  17. Unceremoniously and not as a goodbye present, though it might still serve as that. It's Time, Guybrush acrylic on paper
    1 point
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