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  1. The "Questions from our viewers" section is questions from people on our Discord server. I inform people days (and sometimes weeks) in advance about my upcoming interviews and they send in their questions. So join our Discord and you'll see a lot of this information on the "Tech Talk with Daniel Albu" channel there. https://discord.conversationswithcurtis.com/ Looking forward to your questions! I started uploading all of my previous conversation on Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Amazon Music. On Spotify, you'll also be able to watch the video if you want. Since I have quite a backlog, older conversations will be uploaded little by little, but from the Clint Bajakian conversation on, all conversations will be available around 3 weeks after their YouTube premiere: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/danielalbu
    4 points
  2. The most expensive collection of games I've come across on eBay wasn't LucasArts, it was a $155,000 collection of Infocom games: https://www.ebay.com/itm/115558782739 I know there have been single games going for more than that, but nothing I've ever had any reason to search for. I don't begrudge them though, because that one probably does belong in a museum. The most ridiculous one, that I don't know if it's still up, was a mere EUR 45. It's the Monkey Island 30 Anniversary Anthology PC Collection Limited Run... Styrofoam Inlay?
    3 points
  3. While everyone knows the Amiga version of the Secret of Monkey Island has the best music for that particular game, how do people feel about the PC versions or the other pre-digital audio games? (ie. everything before Full Throttle). The reason I ask is that conventional wisdom states that Roland MT-32 is the most coveted versions of those original soundtracks, simply because it required an expensive piece of hardware/one extra download to listen to. And sure technically the sound quality is better... but I was playing around with DREAMM and Day of the Tentacle the other day and I think I preferred the Adlib version of the soundtrack. At least in certain rooms (eg. Jed and Ned's sculpture room). Does anyone actively prefer the Adlib versions of soundtracks over the Roland ones? It's been so ingrained into me that "Roland was the best" that I've taken it for granted that anyone might actually prefer the "lesser" formats. And what about the composers? Which versions are their preferred versions? Did they work harder on the Adlib versions and only see the Roland versions as nice extras, or did they always compose for Roland first? Would be interesting to know (and it's probably answered in a 4 hour conversation with one of the somewhere ) ( @danielalbu)
    1 point
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