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Status Updates posted by Master_Archon

  1. Sky, it's been a long time. When and why did you show up all the sudden? Lol, not that it's a problem, just curious. Good to see you back at least. :whtsmile:

  2. So many time skips, lol!

  3. So pumped I've gone blind! (which won't help me play the game one bit) Luckily I got enough money to preorder the CE online before it comes out this Tuesday!!!!!

  4. So why don't you join PK's ME RP? Hmmmmm? HMMMMMMMMMMMMM!?? O_O

  5. Sometime tomorrow when I get home from work, tonight's too late for me, or at least I've gotten to the point of relaxation and laziness that I just don't want to do anything, lol!

  6. Soooo, you think I went too far too fast with my last post? Kinda been wanting to do that since the beginning, but things were kinda intruded upon by others, still, it's up to you.

  7. Sorry I didn't respond to this sooner, been at a friends for three days. Sure, I'll help you if you still need it.

  8. Sorry, been at a friends for three days, will post as imminently as possible.

  9. Sorry, computer issues. Will post...eventually, no promises. Sorry.

  10. Sounds good! I'll be looking forward to it....When I'm not sleeping, lol!

  11. Sure, Deadpool's coming in, but he probably won't be meeting anyone on the western continents, he's playing "Warlord" in Japan. You'll see! ;)

  12. Sure, I wouldn't mind. But why not just rustle everyone up from the previous one and keep going with that one?

  13. Sweet! I'll have to see if I can entice Cyborg out of hiding if you do.

  14. Thanks Cyborg, although it's not been the best of birthdays, it's always good to be wished a happy one regardless. :)

  15. Thanks! I'll try to find time to get my character up, etc.

  16. That's fine. If I don't post within a favorable amount of time, then please feel free to move the RP forward, don't wait around for me, I'll catch up if I have to.

  17. Then Lōhā Hai'Dila.

  18. Tonight or tomorrow, depends on how much my weariness hampers me. If I find myself too sluggish and debilitated mentally due to fatigue from work, then tonight might be a no-go. But tomorrow, I'm positive I can, it'll just be late.

  19. Uh, not a problem.

  20. Uh, Thanks!...I think?

  21. Uhm, sure, I'm up for chatting anytime. Don't gotta beat around the bush with me, I'm not exactly that kind of person anyways, don't like it, seems too disingenuous.

  22. Um, uh, no, this is a message board, not your PM box. I didn't even know you still existed, at least on here. Good to see you!

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