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Everything posted by Master_Archon

  1. Soooo, you think I went too far too fast with my last post? Kinda been wanting to do that since the beginning, but things were kinda intruded upon by others, still, it's up to you.

  2. Ah, doesn't give me much to go off of, but I'll come up with something. :)

  3. Question: what does V'toryv mean, if it means anything at all?


    Want to know so that I can give the dragon an Elven name by a similar meaning.

  4. Oh, took me a bit, but I saw the message below, might wanna try posting it on MY message board next time! :lol:


    Just kiddin'....sorta, anyways, I will get right on that! :whtsmile:

  5. As Palpatine would say, excellent, excellent.....Or he wouldn't, not sure? Can't speak for the Dark Lord myself.


    Well then, I shall introduce my character by having him pull your elixir of mind wiping junk away from your character, hooray for saying no to drugs!..... -_-

  6. The fact that your character is having dreams is almost too perfect to introduce my Elven character, would you mind doing a minor collab with me to create a moment where my character can 'induce' or 'extract' more detail from Per'dra?


    If you don't mind me interrupting your conversation with steven's character?

  7. I guess so my fine fellow.

  8. If you'd like, I can ease the burden of control you have to do in the Purge RP and control the Purge general. After all, I never got to play as Aedan Cousland in your Dragon Age RP, and I was kinda lookin' forward to being a bad guy.


    Also, I'm kinda confused now, is your character, Perd'ra, with the travelers, and being given visions of the Purge by the great wyrm, or are you keeping her as a spy?


    Also, when are we starting!? My typing finger(s) are itchy! Must.....Post......AS.....ELF!!! :lol:

  9. Aaaahhh, I knew I was concerned for good reasons. I'm sorry to hear you're sick, I hope you get/feel better very soon :whtsmile: .


    Take your time with the posting, no need to rush or push yourself, you just get better, okay?

  10. Yo, the RP is going great, but you haven't been posting....? Archon is concerned, yes, that is what he is.

  11. I'm not an old buddy? No hello for me? *sadface*



  12. No, monthly fees don't exactly suit me. Unless it isn't a pay-by-month game like most MMO's?


    But it's great to see you none-the-less, missed you lots, as did many others I'm sure, though most you and I know/knew aren't frequenting the forums a lot, or anymore.


    As for me, still staggering along in the old DTC, RP'ing is just something that doesn't die easy with me I guess. :whtsmile:

  13. I have to go to work soon, but okay

  14. Ah, I see, well I'm on Skype now.

  15. Lol! I see you're distracted with something else, probably Skype, since you're making such....Short replies.

  16. Wouldn't it be here and Skype? Ah whatever. Yeah, give me a bit, I'm actually downloading Skype to my harddrive now. Shouldn't take too long.

  17. On where? XBL, or Skype? Or here? Or here and XBL? Or XBL and Skype? Or here and Skype? Or here, Skype, and XBL? Hmmmmmm?

  18. You're most welcome dear Shana. :whtsmile:

  19. I have been fine my good fellow! Skype would be fine, though I don't have it installed on my harddrive at the moment. Xbox would be better, though I don't have Gold anymore (but I can rectify that quickly, considering I have a job, thus I have money), not that having Gold matters when it comes to talking to someone over XBL.....Unless it does?


    Anyways; indeed, we must talk on one of them sometime: we should set a time my fine gentleman! What's good for you?


    P.S. - I was just talking to Shana about finding you in the netherness that you'd hidden yourself in to join her RP, but as usual your timing is perfect, and you never miss out on the DTC resurrecting! :lol:

  20. Ninja!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. What? No, that's long past, s'all good. So no problems then.

  22. When were we ever on bad terms? :raise:


    Or at the very least, why are we on bad terms, I don't remember agreeing to be on bad terms with you?

  23. Well congrats Shana, it seems your arrival (and RP) has in some small way resurrected the DTC!


    I'm very happy and proud, good work ;) .

  24. I see you sneaking around here!


    Don't worry, I won't tell. ;)

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