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Bee Hoon

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Status Updates posted by Bee Hoon

  1. You come here and do it! :p

  2. You didn't enter! D:

  3. You have 20 minutes! Or less. I am going out!

  4. You have my sympathies! Vista is a pain in the posterior. Bah!

  5. YOU HAVE RETURNED! And I guessed :D

  6. You have the tiger<3 Climb on and he shall save you!

  7. You have to *draw* one? Whatever for?:/ This isn't art class! Boo MMO! D: I want KotOR 3!

  8. You know you want to! :p *cheers Darathy with pom poms*

  9. You likes having crazy future-living friends? ;D

  10. You lost me somewhere :lol: Happy new year!

  11. You should learn to boil things instead. Hard to burn stuff that way;o Healthier too! Erm, just ignore them. Dogs are really social animals, so that's the worst punishment for them

  12. You should! It makes for good light entertainment. Nice avatar, btw:) Where is it from?

  13. You should! You get red packets with cash inside and to eat lots of cookies/snacks. You should move to fairer climes ;o Malaysia would be good for that!

  14. You watch out! I'm going to pop 1/6 of an orange in your mouth! Then you kenot stick your tongue out anymore:P

  15. You'd be surprised:p I have no sympathy who people who have no sympathy >.>

  16. You'd protect your meal too! xD Tsk, at least give those squirrels a sporting chance! *is a pacifist* Nah, that trip was my first time there. The river and mountains are really pretty! It's a landscape depicted in lots of classical Chinese paintings--limestone cliffs shrouded in mist. Eh, I meant members of parliament actually :p The school holidays have started and all those darned kids are staying home and making my internet connection soooo sluggish >:[ I can't download all my pretty sims stuff!

  17. You're welcome! Do they have any strange traditions involving (1)large bodies of water (2) cakes (3) all of the above coming into uncomfortably close proximity with your nice suit? :p

  18. You're welcome! What is panzer and RATTE?? Keep in mind that I'm not a fan of weapons etc ;o

  19. You've survived without me all these years just fine, lol.

  20. Your insight never fails to amaze :lol:

  21. Your modesty is most becoming :lol:

  22. Yours are worse, plus you should adjust to my times since you're on holiday by now (I think?) :p

  23. Zankyu. *nods solemnly*

  24. Zomg that pic you posted on Achilles' profile is Kenny Sia! He's a very popular Malaysian blogger. You should try reading his blog...humour is a tad crude, but hilarious nonetheless.

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