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Bee Hoon

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Status Updates posted by Bee Hoon

  1. Haha, you should come to Malaysia!:p If I go to NYC, will you bring me to Broadway musicals galore?


    Hm, I *think* Broadway is in NYC anyway:P


    You needs a horse, Niner. And name her Starry Princess Fleetfoot Spirit of Wind and Storm who doth shed Pink Fairy Dust.

  2. Hardly. The petite ladies tend to favour mousedeer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mousedeer) while the manly macho men read elephants while throwing durians (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durian) at anyone who dares to cut into their lanes.


    Lol, by the time your army has been mustered, I probably won't be in Malaysia anymore :lol:

  3. He is the granddaddy of fanfic on LF o_Q I prefer using italics to bold for some reason. *shrugs* I only use bold is I need it to indicate another speaker altogether.


    Well, at least your bureaucrats aren't corrupt, which is more than I can say for Malaysia;p The states seem to have a lot of autonomy though.


    Are you writing in first/third person POV?


    Hee, your Mandarin vocab seems ok wut ;D

  4. Hee, I just like the scenery :p Plus any interesting stories:P I am home and ugh I'm so tired.



  5. Hee, I think you know more than I do about characters:D


    My leader falls asleep at international meetings and conferences. It is distressing D: Bush is a chimp in disguise ;o


    Did you mean shui (水)? :lol: As fair as I know, it's the most common word for water. Go listen to Ju Hua Tai by Jay Chou--I love the song <3


    You should google it. Google is the font of ALL knowledge!

  6. Hee, well, was supposed to be in it for two beats but I skipped out after one :x Ah, I see. Unusual, I thought that most Filipinos were Catholic! Yes, I am. There's plenty of odd denominations here in Malaysia--basically anyone who came along and set up a missionary school:p Yeah, you have a great Christmas too! She'll be home on Saturday! :D


    Why a Russian gas mask? And CATBUS IS ALL YOU NEED!

  7. Heeee, what to do! As in Kavar's or others? I find that I increasingly want to see silly light-hearted things on the internet... Real life is quite srs bsns enough and this is supposed to be recreational, gorramit :p How's the weather there atm? Congrats, you two :D Do something uber romantic, ya? The boyfriend and I missed our 3-year anniversary 'cuz he was in Brisbane, but he's coming to visit in a few weeks' time and I'm so happy! :D:D:D


    I will return when my laptop does. I hope they didn't reformat it:P

  8. Heh, so do you still have 2 MPs? You wouldn't be completely dead unless you got knocked out of the Parliament/assembly *completely*. Hah! Well, I prefer to live in differently areas, if only to avoid being, uh, solicited for services that I don't offer >.>


    What kinda development are you studying? Studying rarely makes me angry, it just makes me oh-so-sleepy. 2 pages of anatomy is good for a two hour nap ;o

  9. Hehe, it's like that:P I've never actually gotten drunk before. Tipsy (I turn emo, unfortunately), yes, but not drunk.


    Sooooo... How does it feel?:p

  10. Hehe, sorry :p Plus mum decided it's high time for me to cook, and that tends to correlate to your Skype time. Darn it, I hope Ninar recorded it or something:p


    Oh, I didn't know that! So I presume it's in some species/genus/family whatever nomenclature?


    Haha, I've gotten used to it. I've been called more objectionable things, and it's easy for you all to remember:)

  11. Hehe, yeah, it is. Supposedly Malacca (the first Malay sultanate) was founded because a local mousedeer kicked the incipient sultan's hunting dog into the river >.> I'm really not kidding about this one.


    See Niner you don't love me! ;_; I've told you before!

  12. Hell yeah! Who wants to run a bureaucracy unless you're forced into? It's boring :( Hee, our politicians are linked to many crimes and scandals. It's embarrassing:/ And our former Foreign Minister pronounced election as "erection"! *dies* I'll link you the Youtube if you want. It's funny, in a painful sort of way X_X


    Agreed, but how many people run for that reason?


    Yeah, that's true. But with those nifty Force bonds, everyone gets a say! :D *cue retro advertising music*


    Lol! Ming bai= understand. Yue=moon, bai=white, but a different bai, iirc ;D

  13. Hi madam the rain in spain stays mainly in the plains



  14. How did *you* end it?;P


    They boinked!:o I preferred the scene when Shepard was grouchy, but CarthAidan is quite failsauce at counseling. His complaining tangent just made me feel even more depressed=p

  15. How's it going so far? ;o When will you know the results? I am failing hard at my temp job, primarily because I am extremely demotivated when I work from home and because people change their phone numbers! :p


    Happy watching ze election :p

  16. I am cow, hear me moo,

    I weigh twice as much as you!

  17. I am in Malaysia, truly Asia!


    And that's a no. Bad Niner! No notti! Notti is bad!

  18. I believe that ebay sells trolls by the dozen ;)


    No problem, and I do enjoy little touches of humour like that! Well, I either write cutesy or excessively emo romances, so I'm afraid I can't help you there. It is difficult, so all the best! They are off to a good start though; I find Thia rather intriguing!

  19. I dunno, I prefer the lean type, as opposed to the overstuffed mattress. However, it does make me lol to see men fighting in their undies!


    And yes, I believe that is correct. Have you downloaded it yet?!

  20. I finished Feros, and am now doing the 23904782374 side quests in my journal, system by system. This game needs MOAR plot and less repetitive side quests!


    I'm just a widdle bit silly:P

  21. I had inspiration and I wrote more and now you must give me your opinion!


    I say now, in a manner of speaking. Next time I see you on!

  22. I just noticed that your birthday is on February 29th:O




    Now we just need to wait till 2012... :xp:

  23. I learn something new everyday:P Ouch...sounds terribly inconvenient, to say the least. So did you school give you any leeway/trying any of the different approaches vaguely mentioned in the wiki?


    (Btw, you didn't miss out on much. Math is only fun in the moment when you have the solution to the problem, and on the flip side, not being able to drove me bonkers:P)

  24. I must reclaim my dominance on this page! >:3


    Nope, definitely not as lovable. And didn't you have Agent Smith as your avatar just yesterday? :p Is that Julius Caesar, btw?


    It's still going to be quite a while until then, even though you seem to be quite a prolific poster ;o I send you cuter pics to use as your avatar! :p


    Happy Halloween, btw!

  25. I sleep a lot, just that my biological clock has been kinda messed up:/ Self-inflicted, but that is beside the point. And it's having all these crazy friends in different timezones D:


    Ouchie D: Well, my memory's pretty bad, but I should start following this software I have more diligently. Yeah, I've been using that website too!:D Seems nifty. Whoa :o Dammit, I have to work harder >.> *mutters* Ooh, IB! Why, not planning to attend college in US? :p


    Well, Muslims have to kill animals in a halal way:/ Bush has left an everlasting prejudice against Texas ;D


    What's so boring about medieval Europe? Pretend that you have DnD monsters in it >.>


    I be good girl and go sreepz nao. Good night/day!

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