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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Pretty smooth int that thread, yo.





  2. Props:



    Something I had wondered about, myself. Thanks, I didn't even have to use bandwidth and ask about it--you *already* brought it up FOR me. :p

  3. Quick questions:

    Mythus Hunt


    1) Persona? (disgruntled, displeased, desperate)

    2) Accent? (American english, brit english--or my best attempt, redneck, tight and low--kinda between boba fett ESB original voice and GOTO in TSL)

    3) Note: Jedi Master Darius Solomon, meaning behind it???

  4. Quite sad indeed.


    You have it right.


    I know it does happen all the time. That whole thing in asia about their cartels, and how they are prostituting children. It's just sickening. I guess I should not be surprised to hear about africa and other parts of the world...3rd world countries...involved on it as well.


    Sometimes I wonder where mankind is headed. Y'know?

  5. R.I.P. Dom Deluise... :/


    Yeah, amazing too how our gunners (modern and past) are being likened to samurai. Mind techniques is one thing I am not surprised with the eventual incorporation of into our military.

  6. Red being the vet he is turns your grab into a sidestep hiptoss and you end up going into that lake. He cuts out of the rope.



  7. Red: Dumbass.

    Temari: >.>


    Master Vrook: .....Kids >_<

  8. Red: I say it takes one dumbass to prove himself a dumbass, and have enough rope to hang with himself.


    Shika appears behind Chev. Veins bulging. <tap tap tap> Temari: GRRRRRRR!

  9. Regarding tax thread: Here is a proper education in internets of that which I refer to



    And maybe a little rick derringer on the side al a hulk hogan theme. ;)

  10. Remember how you told me you might know which mod was the "blue visas"? Well, I looked through my mod collection and discovered it was my lightside visas mod I picked up back in PCGM. When she is light sided her robes/clothes turn a light sky blue--if a tad dull and shaded. Not like the burgundy red she normally has is all that vibrant anywas. :D



  11. Right this second about to go to work. Then I'm a go down the hill and buy me some new shoes since my current ones are getting worn thin.


    BTW You ever have a colecovision?

  12. Sakura: "Hey Temari, when he goes to run, you don't need to get hold of anything but the back of his pants!"


    Temari: *Gives chase and grabs hold of your underwear, then gives an atomic wedgie*

    "Like *this*?"


    Sakura: :rofl: "Yeah!"


    Red: *thudding footsteps over, takes bowl of honey and rubber spatula pasting you up and down with it* "Here Bentley!"

    Shikamaru: :lol:

    Dog: runs up and begins licking off honey....and joined by 59 other dogs.

    Temari: *Drops you* <chuckles> "Have a good time!"

    Sakura: :xp:

    Mai Shiranui: :lol:

    Hyde: Whose the idiot?

    Red: "Some poor yutz that decided to smack me with this fish" *Holds up fish, then tosses it at you hitting you in the face*

    Hinata: "What's going on, here?"

    Sakura: "Hey Hinata, let's go to my place and get drunk--I promise I won't bite...HARD"

    Hinata: <blush>

  13. Same here, cannot quite define it either. Sounds good, claim it.


    I'm oldschool as well. But you know, having all the music you want isn't everything. Lately I'm telling myself more and more when wanting to buy something--is it really worth it in the long run? Having good credit is much more valuable than having the next game to play--there is only so much usability in such things.


    Lemme name off some stuff I have: ICP, MegaDeth, Ozzy and stuff (ozzfest)--which I became a bit disillusioned with, manson (yes, I know, not befitting a conservative valued type of independent, nor that of a guy who at least celebrates Jesus and what he stood for--call it highschool sentimental), and a whole bunch of stuff I can't remember right now.


    Vixy has been having some responsivity problems, no doubt it's due to my having vista... MAC osx 10 and higher works, xp works...maybe linux...

  14. Samus Aran comes up. (facepalm) "This is what earth's people are like? I can't believe I am of the same species." Walks away.


    Temari comes up a few minutes later, looks down, sees and recognizes unconscious guy. "Shikamaru! --You ass-holes are gonna pay!" :firemad:

  15. Sci Am was ready to not allow him to write for them because he believes evolution is compatible with creationism as a tool of it.


    It may not be completely 'cogent', true. Still, this shows me not all people in science will completely shun religion. Hell, DI sounded like my dad finishing "Zeitgeist" with "is a complete load of bull****"

  16. Shika: *:naughty:* "Cmon Naruto, want some?!"


    Temari: *Gives you an atomic wedgee and hangs it on a nearby outdoor blanket hook* ATOMIC SUPER WEDGEE! :dev11: <Clicks picture>


    Shikamaru: :rofl:

  17. Shu'up foo. You're an angel with a

  18. Sith armor being like this white plastic resin, mandalorians are bounty hunters, hutts being gangsters and crooked slimes, most aliens are bad...It's just, "where have we seen all this before?" if you catch my drift. The one thing of any significance would be all the sith stuff. Perhaps they will flesh out and fill in the other areas looking a little blank in the EU.


    Familiarity is one thing but once it starts turning to cliche...that to me is selling out. We'll see, though.

  19. Skin. I made a reason for believing in the christian god. He more or less acknowledged positive benefits associated therewith but didn't answer whether it was valid or not.


    Makes me wonder if he is truly as mentally sound as he'd like to believe or if he isn't suppressing something deep down. Clinging to dear life as long as he can because he has no idea what lurk beyond. Anti-theists tend to only stay within the known. Often times there is fear they will never admit to.


    Just a guess.

  20. So far as forms...force form Potency and Affinity seem alright. Was never able to make Mastery work much for me that I noticed, though.


    Ataru...I guess it does okay but is fairly isolated in what it does.

    Shien...came in handy a few times but TBH you learn it a little late in the game.

    Niman...this form is like autopilot, you can switch it on until you meet a specialist of some kind.

    Juyo...if you're smart about how you use it you're devastating, otherwise you're just dead. Certainly if you're smart about it, you can use it to kill the bosses rather fast.


    Funny, though, for bosses like colonel tobin, soresu is probably best.

  21. So ya found my 'proposal' of conclusion to motaro VS superman cool eh? :)


    --Nice to see someone thinking along the same lines.

  22. So you live in India? Damn, you sound Americanized enough you could have fooled me. Especially talking about metal, and Samuel L Jackson, and lighting stuf with flamethrowers.


    Did you ever enjoy watching ECW at any point? (I'm talking back in the day they *actually* dove out of 20 ft. balconies)

  23. Some advice: you don't have to apologize for errors (not *every* one anyway), just keep it flowing.


    Try not to take anything personal...like a kettlehead. :smirk2: ...lest you get n00b pwn3d...

  24. Something going on. I've been a bit distracted, my appologies.


    Frank show eh? We-hell...I got some recognition with that. I lived in Tahoe (in fact on my way back) and I listened to it all the time through KDOT 104.5 in Reno, NV.


    One of the most memorable shows of my earliest experience: Valentines day 2003 they were talking about dumpster sex. I was like, "Say what?" when I heard that. At first I didn't like it. Sometimes Frank would even get on my nerves talking about how busting that macdonalds with 50 illegals working there (while residents were in line) was a frivolous waste of effort.


    However, yeh his bush jokes and his antics like dumbass of the day...that was all fun.

  25. Sorry to hear that.


    --maybe it has something to do with me breaking a mirror on friday the 13th after walking under a ladder. I'm unaffected but it seems like the world all around me is going to hell.

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