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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus


  2. Ace Ventura voice: IIIIIIIILIKEIT!

  3. Actually I need some new containers and boxes. I forsee a major yard sale happening in the spring.

  4. Agua! You will give me agua! Bungholio!

  5. Ah a novel. Very well I shall wait for your gift wrapped horse manure. :xp:

  6. Ah look, another kettlehead. :dev9:

  7. Ah, an all new San Andreas, or at least los santos. I am looking forward to at least peeking into it. *looks at shelves, games and consoles gathering dust* A peek if nothing else. :D

  8. Ah, the trus sith conversation--I see now why you think I'm an obscure being. I look forward to talking about s*** witchoo.

  9. Ah. Sort of like the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre trilogy--same sort of morbid humor, but you have to be in the mindset for it. Most people only see something ridiculous or half arsed, but seriously watch TCM3 leatherface in that mindset and it'll be so funny it's almost ridiculous.

  10. Ah. Look forward to the JA online stuff indeed. Thank you, good sir, for the update and link. Now just to buy me a copy of JA.

  11. Ahh crap. Mybad, sorry.

  12. Ahh, fellow metalhead eh? Kewl.

  13. Ahh. Maybe if I offer up some "special" skin mods I found it'll be a fair trade? :lol:

  14. Aight. Just makin' sure. No hard feelings on this end.

  15. All that talkin' and I fell asleep B4 I got to say to ya, Merry X mas. So, belated merry X mas. Wherever that hot place is you live at.

  16. Am I mistaken or were you going to actually play the MMO?

  17. And I failed yet again on march 26 this year because I posted in my profile in response to another. >_<

  18. And so it begins ...all over again. :dev11:

  19. And what would you bitch slap them with? :D (be creative now)

  20. Another comment in my own profile...man am I sexy.

  21. Another comment in my own profile...sheesh...

  22. Another post has been made in the 'Seriously?' thread since your last one. In case you're looking for a lawlfest. I think he posted another of my comments on there. :lol:

  23. Apparently nobody took my hint for a meme related to Mr. Todd--one such picture of whom I believe you commented upon as Polanski's next cellmate.

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