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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. I've looked in his stats...whatever it was must now be either deleted or simply in confidence.

  2. I've updated some of my albums--if you wanna take a look.

  3. I"m a talk more smack about myself. GTA you piece of crap. Quit hocking loogies on pedestrians, loser. You butt-knockering beer soaked piece of trash!

  4. Idiots of Garry's mod? Send me a link! (PM it if you are afraid of it out in public)

  5. If only we were all as serious as the one moderator from Texas. :dev9:

  6. If you can find it, that'd be cool. :)

  7. Incident 2: (you'll need to look up an N2 laser to get the jist enough for this to make sense)...Power supply turned off and disconnected from the laser unit on the hot (+) side, my project mentor was inspecting the return (-) side's connection. I was adjusting the spark gap again to optimize timing. Mind you this was on a fold out table with a metal frame. Owing to the nature of the laser itself (its metal plate capacitors retaining a charge), I guess I was grounded to the table frame with my foot against it. My mentor was doing his thing and I suspect his belt buckle either made contact with (or got close enough to) the table frame. Considering it was holding some small charge at a voltage of 10-15KV I would not be surprised if it leapt some. Either way we both got a nice hard ZAP out of it.

  8. IRON MAIDEN! 8-bit! (look up on youtube if familiar with the band--many lolZ in store for you, yes) if no..........8 bit crazy train!

  9. Is it true what SD tells me? That you're looking for some rare or 'special' mods? PM me. I know you're on the modding scene...BTW congrats on hitting the 1K posts mark soon. You'll be able to make nauseating titles. :xp:

  10. Is that a whipping sound I hear?!

  11. Is that an official image?

  12. Is that lightside visas working out okay for you?

  13. Is that...a deranged version of vocaloid Miku Hatsune? That's just hot.

  14. Is your user name inspired from the NES classic by milton bradley? Just curious. :)

  15. It seems certain people just keep pushing. So, it looks like it's time to use their own momentum against them to slam their face into the ground. It isn't pretty, but, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, so help me God.

  16. It still itches, Butt-Head. It's like, the wrong color or something.

  17. It's awful close to december. Also I am saving up to buy the Collector's Edition. My friends IRL are quickly growing envious and trying to now get their own CE's. This will be my first purchase towards my new machine.

  18. Jarael Poof! Hawt stuff. Have the comic that is actually in. Great choice!

  19. Jedi knight huh? More like Jedi DUMBASS!

  20. Just chillin'. Going through my paper crap, finally forcing myself to make better use of that file cabinet.

  21. Just curious: What's your av from?

  22. Just discovered cleverbot. All it seems to want to do is compulsively lie to me, change subjects and I find it really creepy it tracks my youtube history to see I like VG music and proceed to half-assedly insult me for it.

  23. Just give it time and as I more or less indicated to snard, engage one another like you would a person in front of you within the same room.

  24. Just got my video card today in the mail. GTX 580 Galaxy nvidia. You?

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