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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Why...My former LF identity was GTA:SWcity. Yes I'll agree. IV was indeed worthwhile. I never unlocked all the stuff but I beat the storyline and got about 70% completion.

  2. Wish all you want, dumbass. You're going to be wishing it wasn't and that it hasn't been, once my foot is in your ass for the 50th time.

  3. WTf? Seriously? I never knew Al Bundy was an MMA guy either. But you don't get any more trashy than that I swear.

  4. Y'know I just had a random thought pop into my mind about our friendly conversations. Now that you've sent me, welcome aboard. :D

  5. Y'know, that was pretty cool of you to comment on that blog, man. I think I likez you. :D

  6. Yea, but still. Might have been interesting. Ballsy guy for sure. Buuuuuut I'm not about to go there since I've dealt with crackheads and tweakers before. Some of it was funny too, but I have at least 2 bad or creepy experiences for every 1 good, funny experience.

  7. Yeah, amazing how people will throw their privacy away without even thinking about it, isn't it?

  8. Yeah, I lol'd at the irony of this whole "Weiner's wiener" biz.

  9. Yeah, I may be old but I'm not too old to show you young wimpersnappers a thing or two. :smirk2:

  10. Yeah, this is my bar. Shut up and drink. :devsmoke::D

  11. Yeah, yeah. Go beat the dog in the piano already.

  12. Yeah. However, even the news network normally favoring the police (FOX) has reported that the police in CA basically instead wanted to cross examine (accuse) the callers in all cases on all sides. (I suspected as much, living here!) That's pretty bad.

  13. Years of hard landings have made you insensitive back there...you are now bleeding from that end b/c you have a broken tailbone. No real harm done otherwise except the hillarious visit to the bathroom where you think you have colon cancer. :devsmoke:

  14. Yeh man, any time you think I step over bounds so far as respect or anything, don't be afraid. I encourage boldness.

  15. Yes and no. I didn't have very much money to go out and do things and there were points I had to get my friend away from the computer to either RP or go outside. Other than that it was very fun to see it for the second time in my life. Lots of friends I have known for ~20 years (since I was a little kid) moved there. Also I managed to only spend $63 at Fry's electronics this time (last time was 5+ times, nearly 6, that much). I got to see all the crazies on University avenue. :dev9:

  16. Yes indeed. I believe we discussed this in part once.

  17. YES!!!!!!!! That AV is full of WIN!!! EPIC F***ING WIN!

  18. Yo DZ. Double red blade wielder. :dev11:

  19. Yo! CQ! Were you thinking of playing the MMO?

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