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Status Updates posted by Rinku

  1. I'll rate and comment on itunes ;)

  2. Hey I sent the personal message with the image just checking to make sure that you got it :)

  3. No :(...I wish (I'm in a chinese language class)

  4. Easy way:

    (1) I took a camo picture (2) desaturated it ant then (3) played around with the layer blending styles until I thought it looked like the armor had camo.


    Hard way:

    I painted it...

  5. Very nice!! :D I like them.

  6. Hmm this is odd. I just installed Mass Effect using wine. It might be that you have an old build and need to update.


    If that doesn't work you should check http://forum.portingteam.com/ They may have a wrapper for Kotor; however the videos might not work (I used a wrapper for kotor 2 and the videos didn't work).


    My final resort would be getting crossover, or buying the mac version (box version not the app store version).

  7. No problem. If you have any other questions feel free to ask :)

  8. Rinku

    No, I just added him, Y??

  9. Vor'e - VOHR-ay - Thanks ;)

  10. Love the avy Marius :D

  11. Fish got a CCP thread here (Clone commandos forum) & we are getting requests so you might want to check it out :D.

  12. Vor'e ner'vod!

  13. Rinku

    Safari says that the server is taking to long to respond..If MARS FORUMS is working for you then maybe the server connection is weak or something (because I never had this problem before)

  14. I can PM it to you if you want it ;)

  15. Ni jate! Tion bal gar?

  16. I can only edit pics unfortunately...UnrealEd does not work on my mac :(

  17. Yeah the P stands for practice...But this is the only way to qualify for the national merit scholarship. So it is important.


    I got the hayabusa shoulder from one of the commandos that comes in the packet liwar provides.

  18. Something from Mega Man (saw it on Planet Renders) that I thought was Mandalorian-esque.

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