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Chevron 7 locke

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Everything posted by Chevron 7 locke

  1. No clue really.


    And I was J/K in case you didn't see the first one.

  2. not really no. you see, my stepdad is very cruel, so I have to get up when he's sleeping so I can watch TV without geting beaten with a Goa'uld hand device. :indif:


    J/K :D

  3. I watched the next generation until my brain began to sizzle. it was fun!

  4. Hey Endo. what's new?

  5. I love it! I've never seen anything like this, where did you find it?

  6. The next generation is on Sci-fi most of the day tomarrow so that's the one I'm gonna watch


    Do you think I should do a angst fanfic? I'm thinking of doing one for teen titans on fanfiction.net

  7. Lucky...I still have yet to aquire a PS3...i'm opening our gifts tomarrow and then i'm going over to my uncles house to watch star trek for most of the day

  8. Hey Endo! what's new?

  9. It's a small little orange cat...she was gonna be put down until I rescued her. I found out why she was going to be put down, she is a devil among cats. and the dogs were big golden retrievers

  10. Excellent...*Twiddles thumbs like Mr. Burns*

    I'm pretty good with Serra

  11. I love Mace, Dookus is awsome, but I really hate Grievous.

  12. Snow is okay...Ice sucks though, I nearly cracked my head on it today

  13. Ok....

    *Dances the Numa Numa dance*

    Numa Numa aye! Numa Numa Numa aye!

  14. yea...I thought it was common knowledge. I mean, someone has to control the masses of gizka.

  15. Millions of gizka pooling their intelliegence together would be a very bad thing for Revan. and what about the king of the gizka? he has 12 intellligence, 6 wisdom and 20 charisma, he is the one revan should watch out for

  16. Have you seen yes man yet? i'm gonna go and see it around 5:00

  17. Hello Yar-El...Do anything interesting lately?!

    *Powers up blaster/shotgun*

  18. Nice try...But you can never kill the Chev!

  19. *Hears the boom*

    What was that? CQ have you been playing with explosives again?

  20. BEEEE-I mean CQ!!!!!!!!!!! what's new?

  21. I am currently about to go out and shovel the driveway for the fifthday in a row! Why will the snow never stop?!

  22. Lightside Darth Vader on two player. he just looks so cool

  23. I love the way that if you go to two player, you can see dark side versions of certain characters and light side versions of certain characters. it's all so cool

  24. I redid the level as many times as needed, i think the record was 32 times.

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