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Chevron 7 locke

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Everything posted by Chevron 7 locke

  1. So...Uh *Laughs* Notice anyone looking at you funny recently? *Laughs again*

  2. Have Fun!

    *waves good bye*

  3. Hehehehehehehe....*Smiles an evil smile*

  4. I know, i'm trying to resublmit the pictire

  5. Lucky lulz...do you like the pictures i put in Drunken time travelers?

  6. I plan on getting the game...all I have to do is wait for the right opportunity...

  7. Excellent...not the getting grounded part mind you, but it's good to know your nearly downn with the inheritor.


    Wait! if your grounded....how did you get on the computer?!@

  8. Hey CQ! what's new in the life of a clone trooper?

  9. You want Kreia?!


    *Jumps into a time portal*

  10. *Jumps out of the time portal with Kreia*

    Here ya go!

  11. Aye Aye sir!

    *jumps in the time portal*

  12. *Takes the flamethrower and smiles crazily*

    Goody Goody Gum drops!

    *His eye twiths as he hefts the flame thrower*

  13. I would prefer...sniper...I like being a sniper....its fun

  14. Uhhh....CQ's brother voluntered for that....

  15. Uhhh....Trigger's...uh...give me a second here...Trigger's twin brother voluntered for frontline duty!

  16. Why?! Uh...Trigger voluntered for that!

  17. What about me mandalore? I like to kill things!

  18. Quite possibly the greatest Doctor Who video ever


    I made it a rule never to cry when these kind of videos play, but i watched this and then i broke my own rule

  19. Het Chainz, i got a question i'm sure you can answer. since you seem to be the resident expert on what died with PC gamemods, i was wondering if the mods i posted in mod requests from PC gamemods died with the site

  20. Where is the bloody TARDIS! i need an emergency extraction NOW! There are more gizka then i can count!


    Someon- *Transmission is cut off*

  21. So...i can't help but see that You, Yar-El, trigger and I seem to be the only Drunken time travelers...we need to recruit more people

  22. I could really use a TARDIS right about now in Drunken time travlers

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