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Chevron 7 locke

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Everything posted by Chevron 7 locke

  1. tried that. It turned into the gay gizka apocolypse :/

  2. dude...the gizka finally managed to outsmart me...

  3. We should get everyone in Drunken time travelers and talk all night. we could finally destroy the gizka...once and for all.

  4. I think we confused the mandalore real bad this time

  5. So...when you do take over...can i have a dimensional TARDIS that will allow me to travel between alternate realities/universes?

  6. I can make it happen! *Starts mind control process*

    Triggergod: I have the strange urge to chat in DRunken trim travelers all night! and to put on a girly dress!

  7. we should get everyone in Drunken time travelers of star was knights and just chat all night. same with children of mandalore

  8. I can acually see ozzy challenging the lich king for the title of Prince of Darkness. i really wouldn't put it past him

  9. I think i have another video you may like. It's the most beautiful KOTOR vid i'v ever seen




    and a funny one that i found

    Clickious the linkious

  10. I love these type of videos. they really make everything in the world make sense. If you want to crash a wedding...simply steal a plane, crew it with a motly bunch of rebels and go for it

  11. If the music doenst fit it's not really a video...just an echo of a video...what did ya think of the elvis dude?

  12. I found a cool Final fantasy video. check it out.

    Click the link...you know you want to...


    I don't really know whats going on but it looks pretty cool, the song seems to fit the video as well



    you look closly i think you can see elvis in the video

  13. I'm taking this discussion to Children of mandalore and the drunken time travelers


    *Walks out of the forums*

  14. I like to talk like Mr. T! Mr.T says foo! and Fool! i was not refering, i meant no offense...I simply like to say foo! and fool!

  15. Dude...El Sitherino is leaving lucasforums!

  16. We have some weird ass animals in our house. in the morning, all the dogs will line up when they hear the food bowls and about four cats will show up with the dogs trying to get free food.

  17. So...how go your plans for world domination?

  18. Centrel heating never reaches my room. it's just not fair...

  19. I'm sorry to hear about that...my family has about four dogs. how about you?

  20. Bitterly cold. i'm covered by nearly three blankets and i'm still freezing

  21. Does Jmac scare you> cause i'm afraid to sleep before she logs off...i can't help but think that she'll come out of my computer and decorate my room with Yaoi pictures....Call me crazy if you will...but i won't underestimate the Jmac

  22. You still alive ChaiNz?

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