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Chevron 7 locke

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Everything posted by Chevron 7 locke

  1. *Sneaks up behind CQ and whispers*

    Execute order 66.

    *Runs away*

  2. The cool links thread has some cool links.

    Seriously. do something about tyour future self. he was walking around this morning muttering about how i would rue the day. What does rue mean?!

  3. I just finished reading your story and i really like it. keep it up

  4. Dude. your future self is causing all sorts of mischeif. I had to nail him with a plasma grenade yesterday

  5. I'm gonna give you some time to get your facts straight before you come looking for me in the TARDIS

  6. The hopping gizka makes me laugh.

  7. Your future version isnt as smart because of the evil gizka perched upon his head

  8. It was You! or rather a future version of you! I saw you! you brought british daleks to our universe!

  9. I figured out who was screwing around with history!

  10. Who won the elections?

  11. *goes back in time and pours pink dye in CQ's hair*

    Have fun CQ muhahahahahahahahaa

  12. *Goes back in time and persuades him to do it.*

    Now you will.

    *Watchs as CommanderQ suddenly has a pink beard appear*

  13. You can never kill me!

    *goes back in time and persuades CQ to get a huge beard and color it pink*

  14. If you get killed in the past by the jedi, then you won't be able to take my TARDIS keys in the present.

    Look out here comes Shaak Ti.

    *Shaak Ti runs at CommanderQ with her lightsaber ignited

  15. *CQ is being followed by Jedi*

    *chevron appears to him from the time vortex*

    Execute order 66

    *Leaves as the blaster bolts begin to fly

  16. How would i submit a story in the competition?

  17. Those time traveling gizka are really causing some problems across history. I just visited Dantooine and theres nothing but gizka, all over the planet

  18. Are you gonna enter the tales from Jayvers cantina thing?

  19. I wish you a good night as well. Gonna play Runescape till 4 in the morning

  20. you ready to join the drunken time travelers?

  21. I wanna go back and make myself the supreme leader of Lucasforums

  22. Well...the time travel thread is now locked. now what?

  23. I just want it to mention my beloved Handmaiden...if it does that, i'll buy it without question

  24. Allo. Allo. cain I be your first friend?

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