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Chevron 7 locke

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Status Updates posted by Chevron 7 locke

  1. *Sniffs sadly*


    I see that our beloved smith has met with an accident.

  2. *Stands at attention and salutes*


    Welcome back! :D I thought you were gone for good.


    Also, after a very long break I've started working on that AU star wars story that I've been putting off for quite a long time. I think your going to like Chapter 2 once I send it to you :)

  3. *Stares angerly out at the people of the forums*

    Hello! I'm chevron 7 locke! and i see that many of you see it funny that i got my post count put down to zero! I'm here to tell you that it's not a problem for me! I will be a junior member again in a few day! i have plenty of free time...just you wait...I will regain my post status and then i will say this to every one of you (Exept CQ, Endo, Trigger, Hanhar and a few others) Haha. You all thought I was gonna lay down and DIE?! you fools know nothing! In my time here, I have met so many nice people. A few of them have helped me make life decisions that may have changed my life, but a few of you just seem to take delight in making fun of little mistakes.

  4. *Stares calmly ahead.*

    It appears you forgot to ignite the lightsa-oh...I should have just kept my mouth shut. :D

  5. *Stares in terror at Red's evil smile and futily tries to get out.*


    Oh Noes! He's gonna kill me againz!

  6. *Still running from Endo*

    Fool! you can never catch me!

    *Pulls out a blaster and begins trying to blast the pursuing Endo*

  7. *Stops drooling* Of course...Of course...

    What are you sick with by the way?

  8. *Takes a bow.*


    Happy to help :D

  9. *Takes crowbar and cracks CQ over the head*


    You forgot to add the smiley...

  10. *Takes the flamethrower and smiles crazily*

    Goody Goody Gum drops!

    *His eye twiths as he hefts the flame thrower*

  11. *Talks in a british accent*

    Not bad! Wot Wot! Cheerio!

  12. *TARDIS hits 88 miles an hour and vanishs leaving the helmet behind*


  13. *Ten thousand chevs appear in CQs profile*

    So...whats CQ doing today?


    *One of the Chevs runs off with one of his armor sets*

  14. *thousands of Chevs appear in Endo's profile and surround her*

    Hiya Endo! What's happening?

  15. *Throws a bucket of cold water on Endo*


    Are you not tired now?


    *Sees Endo's eyes flash*



  16. *Throws mandalore off a clif.*


    Don't poke me foo.

  17. *Turns around then turns around again.*


    Nothing much.



  18. *turns into Mr. Burns from simpsons*


    *Turns back to normal*


    How many people do you need before the RP can be started?

  19. *Voice drops to a whisper.*


    In the heart of man...there are always doubts CQ, be honest with yourself. admit that your addicted to...the Rps...admit it and we can help you overcome it :D

  20. *Walks back in with the Kusanagi and the shotgun*


    Here ya go, you may want to wipe the blood stains off

  21. *Walks into Endo's profile while crying*

    They killed Dr. Hobo!

    *Crys a bit more until he gets it under control*


    So *Sniff* how goes your life?

  22. *Watches as he flys away.*


    I didn't know he could fly.

  23. *Watches as missle flies toward him.*




    *Goes Ka-boom.*

  24. *Watches stuff fall toward him*



  25. >_>



    (Poke Poke)


    What's up?


    EDIT: I have been to the distant land of another forum and I have discovered smilies! Strange, yet awsome smilies!

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