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Status Updates posted by redrob41

  1. sure, you can use it. I probably wouldn't do things that way myself, now that we're able to compile heads. If I was remaking my playable alien mod, I'd try to re-model them, by separating an alien's head from the full body model. It's more work, but it'd be better results.


    My alien beta mod is pretty buggy.

  2. Thanks, that means a lot coming from you, Doc.


    I haven't made a TSL version of the Sand Person, and I don't know how easy it would be to convert. If I have to re-model the TSL version of the model (for every armour and robe), it'd take too long. If I can just run it through Taina's replacer, it wouldn't be too hard, I guess. I'd just have to add some new armour textures, and re-do the Jedi robe textures (that'd be a lot of work in itself).

  3. Thanks. So, I've got the new Cer'xos Fang working and in-game. I saved the tga at 512x512 and it still looks good close up in-game, and I added a little baremetal shine. During normal game play, no one is going to notice the difference.

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    Can you guess who (yellow vs white fur) is holding the 1408x1408 (7.56MB) texture and which is the 512x512 (1MB)?


    I can probably fix the other saber's uvw map, but it might go faster if you send me the max file from when it was working and you could still take nice render screen shots. Otherwise, it might take me another week or two.

  4. That blue wolf picture is very painterly, and fairly well done. There is room for improvement though. It's certainly better than any free painting that I've done with the program. I'm mostly a photo editor, and I've done some painting with brushes on canvas, but never really mixed the two. I'd certainly encourage your sister to keep up with her art :).


    As for changing hues on skins, that's a great place to start. Most aliens in the Star Wars universe are simply humans with odd skin, hair and eye colouring. If you make a skin mod, and aren't sure about its quality, you can always run it by me. I couldn't graduate from Fine Arts at Grant MacEwan College without developing a critical eye ;), so I think I'm a pretty good judge of mod quality.

  5. That looks great. Although, the eyebrows do look a tad bushy. So, I see you put a small scar under her right eye. I would have put it on the left, but now I see that the right is better. It explains why she wears her hair over her eye on that side :thumbsup:. The skin colour is nice; not too pale, not too tanned, and it isn't shiny like the original (less highlights). In all, she's looking like she's from southern Europe, like Italy.


    That's a cool robe too.


    I notice that the iris of her eyes looks a little flat. I know that it is a problem with a lot of the original K1 textures. In the TSL faces, the eyes have a little more dimension to them (highlights and shadows). A good example from TSL is PMHC04A.tga. Here is a decent, yet simple tutorial to illustrate what I mean: Eye Tutorial. Step 3 in particular, but with the light source coming straight down. It's a small detail (the iris) that would add a lot of depth to all your new textures.

  6. The armoured robes by Darth Darkus? Those are pretty good.


    Oh, have you checked out that link for the KotOR movies forum? Looks like our influence is spreading :D

  7. the purple looks a bit garish (and over saturated) next to that particular green. The green itself is good, very adventurous / woodsy. The details on the pants are a great design, but they look a little flat and unfinished. If you can add some faux 3d highlights and shadows (bevels or embossing), they'll really POP!


    The problem with using it as a Jedi robe is that you wouldn't be able to swap heads.

  8. they're all the Twi'lek female body model. I suppose, if you wanted some variety, you could also use the underwear models. I could do some custom DS leathers for you, with standard skin instead of the red cloth. It wouldn't take me too long, maybe by tomorrow.


    Tonight I'll send you a couple to start, and then you can place an order ;) for exactly what you want

  9. Things went great. The wedding and reception went by really quickly, so I'll have to look at the photos and videos to jog my memory :lol:. The very next day we were on a plane to Nova Scotia. The vacation was a lot of fun. Again, I'll look at my photos and re-read all our journal entries (never did that before).


    I just thought I'd check in, but I'll be busy the next few weeks with moving all my stuff, and trying to squeeze it in our house. I saw that you've got about 90% done, and some extra help, so that's good. Once I'm settled, I'll try to help out with checking for spelling and grammar, as well as some area skins. I'll be cutting back on modding, 'cause I'll be adjusting to married life.


    Take care.

  10. this is just a friendly reminder: try not to "bump" a thread, because a modderator might flag you with an infraction. You might want to brush up on the forum rules to get a full definition of what a bump is.


    As for RoR, we're still progressing on it. If I had something worth posting, I'd certainly post it. Right now, however, all I'd be doing is posting spoilers, so I'm keeping quiet so that players have a better experience with the mod.


    I am glad that you're so interested in RoR :D

  11. we could. We might get some funky responses, and have to reduce it down so that it all balances out.


    I'm just in the process of making an Excel spread sheet, just so it's easier for me to visualize who gets what.

  12. well, any PC head can also be used as an NPC. I'll just make sure that they have one value in the Normalhead column, and one in the Backuphead column. By having at least 3 of each species, I should be able to cover all the bases, and no player will meet their twin.


    It'll be just like what I did for the playable Rattataki that I've already completed. Each of those PCs can also be used as generic NPCs, but I'd also included a bunch of unique NPCs as well. I could do something similar if we needed, say, an old greyhaired Zeltron, or anything else.

  13. well, considering how good your docking sequences look so far, when you get your new computer, the cutscenes should look fantastic.

    So, how much power will you wield in the new computer?

  14. well, I got married, had a vacation in Nova Scotia, Canada, and then (back in Edmonton) I packed my apartment and moved in with my wife. I hear you've been busy too, with moving and such. New job?


    I'm glad to see you're back to modding, and (hopefully) near completion. I was hoping that the armours would help you. Czerka especially needed some variety; now the female employees can wear a uniform :). I can't wait to see the Wookiees in-game!

  15. well, I took a look at it, and it was pretty bland. Instead, I've taken the in-game drexl larva and cut and pasted parts of it onto the adult female. That way, they'll look related. Right now it is green, but I can always make a purple version of both as well. I'm just working on the wings now, but I have to do them from scratch.


    The model is looking for c_drex01.tga, so that I wouldn't need to do much to the 2da file.


    I figure it'll still be a good use of time making this skin, since we can use this for RoR as well.

  16. well, I'm stumped. Say, you didn't add or delete any vertices, did you? Even by accident? Anyway, I can't think of anything else right now. I also won't be able to use my home computer (with all the modding tools) until tomorrow. If you give me a step by step description of what you've done, I might flash on something more helpful.


    Take care.

  17. Well, I've decided to finally start making some tutorials. Maybe they'll help.

    Inyri has some pretty high standards, but she's also got some great results. I agree with most of her comments that I've seen, so I'm going to try and share how I've tried to raise my own standards.

  18. Well, one thing that I found out for myself, was that when I'm replacing, if I leave EVERY box checked, it will fail. I only ever check the boxes of something I've changed (usually just the torso, L arm & R arm).


    I've also made the mistake a couple of times that I forget to change the extension. It's been a couple of months (3?) since I've done any modding, so I'm going from memory. First I'd select the original.mdl and then it asks for the name of the new.mdl. Next I'd select the original.mdx and it asks for the name of the new one, but (I can't remember) it comes up with a .mdl extension still. If I forget to change that, then the output will be corrupt.


    I don't know if that helps, since you still haven't provided enough info.

  19. Well, the Oilers were shut out tonight :(. Oh well it was gonna happen sooner or later. I just wish the Sens could win a cup already. They tend to do awesome in the regular season, but blow it in the playoffs. Someday....


    I only started skinning last year, and LucasForums has some great tutorials that I've learned from. Have you ever used Photoshop? I hear that GIMP is a free program, but I've never used it.

  20. well, the TSLPatcher setup is taking longer than I expected. I thought I was close, when I realized that I still had all the dancer skins to do. Since I've got to do one for every near-human & Twi'lek skin colour, it'll take a couple days. I'm gonna wuss out and only do a generic DS one for everybody. It'll be all black, red, and gold - no visible skin. Kinda like the DS undies. Party members will still have unique DS dancer outfits.


    I might get the set-up done this week :crossing fingers:

  21. well, what I've done, is I've detached faces to separate objects, uvw mapped them, then attached them to form one object. I haven't tried them yet where I've attached them and then uvw mapped them. But, it's just like working on a face mesh; the head is one object, but there are separations (seams) where the xyz verticies occupy the same coordinate, but aren't welded together.


    Anyway, I'll just keep plugging away on this one, and send it to you to check out.


    BTW, you keep replying on your own page, so I don't get the message notification. I always need to click the "View Conversation" before replying.

  22. what did you decide for the stats? Is it in the S.G.?


    I've sent mail for the masks. Just two for now, but they should help with the species start up.

  23. when the next next box pops up

    Set existing line to copy

    [RowIndex] [4 ] [set]

    because Bastila's line in the appearance.2da is #4. for the

    Label of Exclusive column

    I usually set the pull down to the label variable.

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