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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. good to hear that your also ok- from Sandy

  2. Dont worry its not a TC,lol.


    I only joined since it will be using a new format i created. Its different that any kotor game or kotor mod. Im over looking as lead writer but we be mainly there as ref for other writers and creating the layout of the plot. I will be on hiss tonite, i can tell you more.

  3. cool, i will keep that in mind for later this month since i will be doing another round of testing pre-beta1. It should be crash free=) and large bug free

  4. will be on in 5

  5. i think we are ok with new weapons and armor since these all use the actual file name. Might try to add some placeable like the ones you sent me

  6. Were you able to complete the mod from beginning to end? I know J7 mentioned about not finding the Contact in the cantina after completing Bao dur's quest, need to crose ref it with another tester. so i know if its just his play through or all testers are getting the same issue. Thanks

  7. Yo, send you an email in a few check it out

  8. Hey, np




    I've been working on the webpage and getting the VO all lined up for the actors

  9. talk to you later!

  10. hi, whats up

  11. Yeah i head that Filefront has a few bugs but those should be worked out in a few days. That's cool that you added new skins!

    Thanks for the praise, it took a few days to get Coruscant the way I wanted. I'm still playing around with the sky box.

    I just about done with the hex editing and re-skinning of all the planets.

    I got 3D max so I'm playing around with that as well as getting ideas for some cool bink movies. I have also realized my cell phone can record audio and working on converting the sound files to mp3 and then to what ever file is needed for kotor2's VOs and....I just downloaded some voice altering software!! Which means I can make my male voice to a females,lol. This can allow me to do many of the people in the street VO's and depend on others for more major characters.

    A lot of this is finally falling into place:thmbup1:

    I think the next video update will show lips and VO's for minor characters.

    This will be in mid July. Hows the new Place?

  12. hey did you get the PM i sent you?

  13. its going to your yahoo, can't find your gamail one?

  14. Thanks :)

    That's means a lot !

  15. Hey was wondering would you like to see more complicated boss fights like in TOR? for the RoR mod?

  16. hey do you still have my e-mail?

  17. i dont see the email

  18. its in your yahoo email

  19. What i sent you, place the ncs into the override folder and the .mod in the module folder


    I forgot if the new ncs were in the mod file there or not, so sent the ncs just to be sure

  20. Hey, whats up

    I see that you released the trailer, nice!

  21. When will the new site be ready?

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