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Status Updates posted by HIGH ON PIE 14

  1. I lengthened the Gina vs. Levin fight. I highlighted it in light yellow so its easy to find. I would appreciate it if you would read it through. Thanks!


    Not the next chapter, but the one after that will be devoted entirely to Gina. Since you are the biggest Gina fan I thought I'd run the general idea by you in a sort of preview thingy.


    Chapter 10: Anae from Alderaan


    Gina the cyborg. The girl that never sleeps. So what does she do while everybody else sleeps? What does Gina do in the Nar Shaddaa nightlife while her jedi companions are asleep? Gina's second life is revealed as she goes around with her alias, the ever-so-innocent Anae, from the peaceful planet Alderaan...but this girl is anything but peaceful.


    Basically she runs around getting info and of course killing but gets back before everbody else wakes up and they have not got a clue that she has been out all night.



  2. I like certain things in the Olympics, though I have to say U.S. basketball is rather boring as its always a blowout. Honestly I've been enjoying Volleyball the most, great match against Serbia today. There are a limited number of things I watch in the Olympics, but yes once they are over...I doubt I'll watch that much more.


    As for the outcomes, I'm fairly pleased except for gymnastics inj which I think China bribed judges because they always win and there were many people I thought were better. Its funny how most of the stuff China wins is the subjective stuff. Makes my blood boil. Those "tiebreaking" incidents you mentioned are infuriating.


    As for jet lag, I'm just trying to get a lot of sleep, but I'm so tired, I keep putting off typing then next TFP chapter. I'm really trying to force myself to adapt to American time. (Spain is six hours ahead). Still, its kinda bad for K3 that so far there has always been one member gone. You are not going on vacation inm a week are you? :xp:


    How have things been going in the month that I missed?



  3. I like the invincible person idea too. But I'm introducing another character who will fill that role...don't want to give too much away.


    Nobody is named Tim in my area, so I don't have that problem. Lucky! I wish I could go to college. But college is for people who have completed 4 years of High Scool in the U.S. :( Still, I go to private school, so you do have to pass a certainstandard to get in, so there are not too many dunderheads.



  4. I love that song! Funnily enough its been stuck in my head all day! I smell a youtube video brewing - Juhani montage...they already have it for Hermione and Luna - no I'm not joking - it made me laugh so hard.


    I know what you mean. I prefer a quieter summer at home, only going out with friends for a few hours a few times a week. Yeah, look at the floodgate you opened with the K3 thing :lol: But just remember, you get credit for coming up with the idea in the first place. I think once we get the first chapter written, set the scene, things will go smoothly. It is a lot harder working in a group at first...I'm already enjoying it though.


    No the girls were not nerds. :D I had semi-relationships with some of the American ones that I went to school with. But that was more hey we got drunk, lets make out in the corner. Not a real relationship...but what should I expect, its vacation fling. :xp: Meh, my spanish is not that great...



  5. I love them too! :xp:


    I just did google images: Kotor Comics. I had seen tham on a KOTOR fan art site a long time ago but coulod not find them. There os a site for it too...


    Try googling it, if you can't find it tell me and I'll check my computer's history and givve you a web site. I know the author/illustrator has his/her own sire that has all of these comics. So let me know how it goes. :)

  6. I mean, I can understand better than the other people, who are a bunch of dumb seniors (I'm the only junior in the class) and I'm the only one who got above a 70% on our first test, got an A. :D I like language, but I don't like classes on it. One of those things I'd rather learn on my own. But to get in a good college over here you need at least three years of languge and its better to have four...so I put up with it. Could be worse, I could be taking French. :xp:


    1990's America? Wasn't Gatsby in the 1920's? Hehe...you are like me I'm smart, but overlooked. Nobody considers you the "smart one" even though you get better grades than half of the "smart kids"...so typical.


    Still, my school has a Sci-Fi Lit class, so maybe I'll take that next year. You spend the whole year reading Sci-Fi stuff and writing scripts. The teacher has conections to the Paramount movie studio, and he submits them there. That could be my "fun" class next year.



  7. I plan to have a romance integrated throughout the story. I am hoping to turn this story into a series and the second story will have alot more. I'm trying to make this story a variety of suspence, action, and romance. Don't know how successful I'll be. But I'm typing up the prologue (I always use pen and paper first) as we speak, should be up soon, though it will take me a while to make adjustments.


    Mira was never a romance option in the game but hey, when playing as a male exile I was like "I don't want Visas or Handmaiden, I want Mira." As I said I liked the Mira drunk thing. Others may not because it does not fit their view of Mira. But this is your story, remember. ;)

  8. I took your advice and I lengthened the Gina vs. Levin fight. I highlighted it in light yellow so its easy to find. I would appreciate it if you would read it through. :)



  9. I was thinking, that some of the more, shell we say street smart jedi, were getting alot of the supplies. Mira still has some good Narr Shaddaa connections and could use them to order supplies, though thte supplier would think they are for her only, and does not know she is a jedi. Somebody could get suspicious of her purchases, leading to her having to cover up, where the resources are going, avoid trackers, space chases, hired bounty hunters etc - possibly a Mira POV for a few chapters.


    As far as ships and stuff, yeah I think Carth would provide them, though construction crews, well if they are animals and droids sure, but I don´t think people should really be brought into it.



  10. I would want each of us to have a part in each installment. If you have a monster piece, and so does Burnseyy, you can combine the two to make a chapter, and mine could wait for the next chapter. Chapters could contain anywhere between 1 and 3 writers pieces, as needed IMO


    For example: If all three of us have our pieces written, and agreed upon, we would pm them to the person who is going to post the chapter. Like, you could post the first chapter, Burnseyy the second, me the third etc, though each chapter may contain all three people´s work. Does that make sense? I don´t feel like I´m being clear.


    Sorry, but did you mean the entire chapter is twelve pages, or just you part? As long as its divided, I have no problems with monster chapters. I just don´t want twenty pages of one storyline to be a chapter, you know?



  11. I'm coming over on July 23rd and I'll be there until August 12th. Too bad the dollar sucks now - I think its like 2 dollars to the pound...ah well.:) What is hilarious is that Cambridge sent me a rule book for when I stay on campus and one of the rules is "do not climb onto the roof of a building and attempt to jump top the roof of another building." :confused: Who does that? :lol:



    Only one year of high school left and then its off to a university for me! Got to start all of those applications and admissions essays...eurgh. :¬:


    So how has the vacation been going?



  12. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm sorely dissappointed that it's not going to continue the KOTOR storyline. Lets put it this way: I'm a bit resentful of it because they lead us to believe it would be a third KOTOR. If this were to come out after a K3, you would see me jumping for joy. Its like expecting to get $100 and ending up with $25. Its not bad but it could have been better.


    Oh, and have not posted the next chapter - I'll get on that now. Its one of those, "no matter how much editing I do I'm still not happy with it chapters" Know what I mean?


    Gina is going to kill me now. :xp:



  13. I'm pretty sure Arnie is not in it unless its just a cameo...he's too busy running California - the governater. :) I love watching House. Those writers are talented, giving House such rude or insensitive dialogue, yet making us like him anyway. :D Did you see the last one with Cutty and the baby?


    Yeah, if you don't watch TSCC from the begining it's hard to understand. Oh, yes, the parents. Everytime there is a movie that they would shake their heads at I just go out with friends and see it in the theater. It's not as if they won't let me watch it, but they will give me the whole "I can't beleive you enjoy this junk!" routine and I like to avoid that as it gets really annoying, really quick. :xp:



  14. I've been fine, I just got back from Spain. I have been trying to accept your friend request, but it keeps telling me that I'm not signed in or somthing. It has done this with my other friends as well. Whatever, I'll sort it out eventually. Just so you know you are not being ignored. ;)


    I'm looking forward to more of your art. :D I have been busy as well, and I just can't find the time to post any chapters for my fic, so I know how the whole overloaded thing goes.


    Anyway, its great to see you back, and hopefully I'll figure out that friend request thing soon.



  15. I've played football for the past two years for my high school, but I'm not going to next year. The way things worked out I had to choose between academics and athletics. :( I chose academics, as there is no way I'll get a football scolarship or anything (I'm O.K. but not amazing or anything) - but I have over a 4.0 GPA (Honors and APs are weighted) so rewards there are quite possible.


    I still will continue to go to the gym however, and I'm thinking about doing track, as at my school, it is less time consuming. That and we only have Varsity, so I automatically get on a varsity team. :D I do basketball for fun, buut my schools basketball team...lets just say there are not even try outs. My school recruits from all over the world so I knew there was no way I was getting on that team.



  16. I've seen your hair and I would let you in just for that! (well I saw your old hair cut) :xp: Anyway, good luck with your college, I hope you get in. So you are a Solo fan? He was the favorite from the original star wars, for me, I think. I'll probably get pounded for this, but I liked him better then Luke. :D


    Hehe, I'm behind with writing though. Well I have a three day weekend so I'll probably get some stuff done. :)



  17. Imagine some random person on the forums reading our conversations. They must be thinking "creepers" :lol:


    Yeah, to be honest most guys are not to picky when it come to who they'll have sex with. I on the other hand have standards and an not desperate. If I go through college (in U.S. thats school years when I'm 19-22 years old) and never have sex, then, maybe I'll get desperate, not before.


    Wow, he's planning it? Still, it should not be hard to find someone...lot odf desperate, horny people out there. :xp:


    Today, some random guy comes up and asks me "Hey, you are friends with Amy right?" (Amy is my best friend that is a girl) And I say "Yeah". Then he asks how long she stays mad at people. I think thats an odd question, but I told him we get pissed off at eachother sometimes, but make the next day. The guy is all happy and skips away. Than Amy informs me that he is some creepy stalker who just won't take no for an answer and even had his mom call so he could get a date with her. And I gave him the impression he had a chance...oops. :xp:


    Fake ID? So many possibilities...:D Ah, weed, some of my friends do it. It's funny, I like this honors class semi-nerd and all my freind are thte people who smoke and drink and of course my friend, who knows jujitsu and has pink throwing knives which she calls "total awesomeness." Are your friends a bit strange too?



  18. It seems longer because all of the chapters were enormous. :D I'm working on making them more manageable though.


    Yeah, I'm a nerd in the classes that I know I have to work hard in. Like in AP Art History the teacher calls me "nerd in the back." :xp: But she is a nerd, so calling me a nerd is like a compliment. In easy classes the teachers hate me because I just know the stuff and don't try. They call me lazy...whatever. :¬:


    DY is going to try to show Atris from a good side in his new fic. He hates her guts, so this should be interesting...


    Wait till you meet Reana'ka Norian in my fic...I'm setting her up to be the manipulative b!tch. :^:



  19. Its a rather long story, so I do have to take breaks from time to time. Errgh, can't find good Cameron pics!


    Hehe, that dream does make sense now huh? That would be just our luck, own all the sith and then have the ship fly away. :xp:


    I'm gonna try that before I go to sleep. See if it works. 400 posts...geez Burnseyy. :D



  20. Junior year is tough, but most of the stuff is more enjoyable...generally better teachers as well. As for the economy...has not hit me or my family too hard. We didn't have many stocks, and the ones I did, I pulled in August to collect, so I got lucky. Money is tighter than usual, but both of my parents have government jobs, so they were not to hard hit.


    My mom has her book club over. that when I hide downstairs. :xp: But on the plus side all those gabby friends of hers bring dessert food...so when they leave - PIE TIME!


    Have not seen you on for a while now - I think we keep missing eachother. Well, I have a 3 day weekend, so I should be on a bit more. I've got some writing done today. I had a test every single day this week, so I didn't get much done then. Oh, by the way, there is a social group you should check out ;)...


    How has life been treating you?



  21. lol, I wonder what I'm hiding...


    Those assassins had better watch themselves though or they will both wake up breathing through tubes. :D



  22. lol, sorry. Its actually only one, if you read the read stuff at the bottom (in red), but it was over 40,000 characters so I had to separate it into two posts. Wow, you were on that quick. Burnseyy's gonna be pissed. She has been asking about this chapter and as soon as she signs off, it gets posted. :xp: Ah well, enjoy!



  23. Magic eh? We'll just see about that ;P Yeah, the whole boys are better with numbers thing is not entirely cortrect. I'm a boy and math is my worst class. I mean I get As, but I'm not in Honors or anything. And I hate it...so many numbers, eurgh :xp:


    I'll pre-order your book over the internet right now :D...


    How's the sunburn doing?



  24. Meh, Ive reread this chapter so many times that I'm sick of it and keep putting off typing it. I could probably recite it word for word now - there was nothing else in English to read in Spain. You are aiding in my procrastination! Typing is like work for me, as I'm so slow.


    Anti Aged Speedo Wearing Act! :lol:


    Just one more: DDs are like Pamela Anderson over here in the states. (Google her if you don't know her)



  25. My mom is a manager at the FDA which happens to be short right now, so thankfully she is in high demand. My dad, is in the finance part of one of the government divisions, and just got that job a few days ago, so hopefully he is safe.


    Seriously, being a librarian is A LOT harder than it sounds. People juust dont seem to realize how tiresome it can be to manage all the books, information, and keep everything organized. Hope she is able to keep her position.


    Yeah, you are right about investing. Just glad I avoided this mess. I know, even before this economic crisis, my dollar was terribly weak against the Euro in Spain. Still, the world market has been hard hit too.



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