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Status Updates posted by Sithspecter

  1. Oh, yeah. He never asked me to model anything, and I had forgotten about it.

  2. Oh, yes! I posted about it on Deadly Stream a while back, and I'd love to have you join. :) Though nothing much is going on with the project right now. I'm kinda breaking and having a fun time with URM.

  3. Oh, you might could try doing a quick vid also, if you didn't see my post...

  4. Oh, you need to create a new ammunitiontype.2da line, and use the effect model as your muzzleflash, with the shot model blank.

  5. Oh. I remember I went to it once... You had a pretty nice skin.

  6. OK, now slap me in the face and say it again. :xp: Hay, could you PM me your settings in SWKotOR.ini?

  7. OK, will do. I wasn't sure if you were still working on it, so I'll finish up the -[CENSORED].

  8. Ok. I'm really dying to look at it.

  9. Okay, I have found out that the walkmesh CAN stop blaster bolts, and line of sight (ie, you can't select or see the GUI for characters on the other side), still can't stop cameras, but it's a little step. What you do is you select all the outside edges of your walkmesh (still in poly form) and extrude with fields to 0 and 0. Then you move all the edges straight up. Select the 'wall' polies, and make those the nonwalk material. Stops blaster bolts cold.

  10. Okay, I'll change it. I just wanted something... German, but maybe not that much so...

  11. Okay, I'm taking a look right now. Look for a new chapter of Squadron Legacy.

  12. Okay, it'll be good to have you aboard!

  13. Okay. Thanks for working on this!

  14. Oops, I forgot that I do not have Taina's replacer since my comp crash, and I also kinda forgot about the head, but it is mapped and looking great. As soon as I find the tool, I'll email it off to you. I tend to forget a lot, so if you have to just don't bother with *gentle* reminders, slap me in the face.

  15. Or, Revan could be manipulating them to do his will...

  16. Pap, where are you? I even looked in the Lords of the Third Dimension group and Quanon's profile, but you weren't there... Quanon, where are you hiding Pap?

  17. Pretty busy lately with college. How about yourself?

  18. Pretty much. No more smilies, jokes, or happiness. Just a complete serious modding think tank.

  19. Probably more scare than excite. But in any case, now you are allowed to discuss serious modding topics with us. ;)

  20. Q, I can hardly recognize you!

  21. Retired!? Again?

  22. Send me a PM with some specifics.

  23. Settoken, are you still here?

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