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Cyborg Ninja

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Status Updates posted by Cyborg Ninja

  1. so will Hank's constant wooing pay off?...or does he need to do something heroic to impress Juno or Illya

  2. so will Karela ever see the light again... and are others going to follow her? (dramatic music)

  3. so would Evans be willing to save Null from the Captain of the Plague Ship?

  4. So would you like to be the Children of Light again?

  5. someone's going to die soon in the new rp...will it be you? :raise:

  6. Sorry about my post in Shinobi, It sounded like Asuka and Takeda needed to be with the others to continue the RP.

  7. sorry about that man I just kept procrastinating my post until I had completely forgotten about it. I'd love to come back I just have no idea what's going on in it anymore or where I left my characters.

  8. sorry about that, but I've been a bit busy. I should have a post up sometime tomorrow if that's alright.

  9. sorry about that, summer makes me very lazy.

  10. sorry I can't really think of anything

  11. sorry I didn't post for a while in Midnight, I was working on my fun fun essay...7 pages of evil

  12. sorry I'm taking so long with the reply, I've actually been working with the first idea you suggested. I'll have that reply though later on today.

  13. sorry im taking so long with the post. I've just been busy with college work...and Mass Effect 2, but I will definitely have a post for you by tomorrow.

  14. sorry the Bleach rp is taking so long. I'm just giving it a few more days to give people a chance to make a character since only a few of us know the show.

  15. Sounds fun, I'll have something for you sometime tonight

  16. Sounds good to me. I'm sure you'll make Archon's day when he finds out you waited for him =)

  17. Sounds interesting, I'll take a look at it whenever you guys post it in the Casting Call.

  18. speaking of beeps and bloops, are you excited for the Transformers movie?

  19. Specter is going to have a few new tricks up his sleeves as for Takai, while he isn't going to have any new techniques he still has a technique he hasn't used in battle yet.

  20. Specter will be appearing very soon

  21. Specter's got some big news for Karela

  22. Strike Force S story? Sounds cool. Of course you can use my character =)

  23. sure thing, take all the time you need.

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