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Everything posted by M@RS

  1. Hey, your site is back up man... I just saw it, just wanted to let you know in case you didn't realize it... :D

  2. Hey Liwar's site is back up, I just went to it from Mars Forums, I wonder if he knows or not...

  3. I saw that, let them have their fun... It is diminishing, but at least we learned something that could help us get a job ya know... ;) At least Mars Forums is up again, we still have that. I don't think that's gonna die at all... :D

  4. I've been moving... ;) Mars Forums is up by the way. :D

  5. Hey Liwar, I just went to your site, I know you had said that your site had been shut down, but, I don't know if you could see this or not, but this is what it said for me... "This site has been disabled for violations of our Terms of Service. If you feel this disabling was in error, please visit our contact page to let us know. Contact Us"

  6. M@RS

    It'll be up later on today, I did see the new forum and stuff, I saw it when I was here while we were traveling. It is good to be packed, but I have to use my mom's laptop, I can't seem to connect to Lucasforums on my PC?? It's weird... But Mars Forums should be up tonight... ;)

  7. Anytime, be sure to tell the guys as I won't be on a lot

  8. It will be like that for the whole week. I'm moving, and all of our PC's are packed so that's why... It will be back up a soon as possible... ;)

  9. M@RS

    Our internet crapped out, but it's up now... ;)

  10. I'd love to do the Jerec skin, but I got rid of all of my games temporarily... I will be able to in about 2 weeks though...

  11. There's already a really super accurate Jerec model out there... Why don't you use that?

  12. there's link in the CCP Group...

  13. How's your CCP thread going?

  14. Hey, someone on my forum is asking about your mod... I don't want to answer in case I say something stupid...;)

  15. M@RS

    :lol: Ok, I'll change it...
  16. Ah, so you'd have to re-create all of the animations... Could you use a shader for that? I saw a Darth Vader that had a shader applied to it to make the cape look like it was moving... Is it the shader or am I thinking of something else?

  17. Hey someone is looking for a good artist in the Jedi Knight Series forum, just wanted to let you know...

  18. Hey, I have a quick question... Is it possible to add a cloth "simulation" into JO or JA, like have certain animations activated when walking or running...Kind of like a new animation/stance mod...

  19. No not yet, I might have to ask someone else...

  20. Hmm, you think it's possible though? I think it is, just make the cloth part of the stance or something, I'm sure it will take a long time, and I need to get 3DSmax and learn how to use too... It's just wishful thinking really...

  21. I tried to add a texture to the shirt to cover up the armor and it didn't turn out as well as I thought it would... :(

  22. I was wondering if you could make a photo realistic Han Solo, the one I have is no good and no one seems to finish the one they started...I'd love to do it but I can't model yet, and I'm not that good at skinning...

  23. Question? Is it possible to add a cloth "simulation" into JO or JA, like have certain animations activated when walking or running...Kind of like a new animation/stance mod...

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