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Status Updates posted by TriggerGod

  1. *while fresh, uses razor to shave*

    *then cuts*

  2. A link of sabers.

    Movie sabers + Custom sabers.


  3. "it was probably just because of Vista, but I'll figure it out"

    Did you try running it in XP Compatible mode? I heard that sometimes works. If you can get mods to work, than great, but remember, don't kill yourself over it. :)

  4. "Yat kinda made me paranoid."


    ok, enough torture. It was fun while it lasted...

  5. :D


    And then... :xp:


    I haven't had a go with Crysis yet, but I plan on it. My father had a go on it, and even on Low, it has crazy fifth word graphics.

  6. :o Red Baron!



    That should say it all. :p

  7. 1) I told him

    2) Google

  8. 1) Yeah


    2) I've actually found something rather interesting while going through my hard drive from an old WIP I had the used the Jesus Head's beard on that head to make it similar to Obi-Wan. I dropped that project, but I still had the texture and the psd file. So I just did a little cutting of the beard and I think I have a faithful beard. Not the best TBH, but still. :D

  9. A bit.


    In other news, I'm trying to make my Crysis Wars play without me lagging every 3 seconds because of my graphx settings. (its not just lag, because I normally have less than 100 ping)

  10. A rock chick? Well, you're me with testosterone. :p



    And SithRevan died? wow.

  11. Actually, yeah. Working on some skins. I might be expanding my Jedi Robe mod to include a lot of different skins and models


    Actually I only have L4D installed, and I'm not playing it non-stop. In fact, I've completed most of the campaigns already and again online.


    if anything, the next game I'll play is Dragon Age. then batman.

  12. Ah...

    Back to that avatar, I see.

    Methinks its awesome :)

  13. an expert eh? looks like you just colored in the bottoms of his shoes pure black.


    This is what one can do if you know how to use photoshop.

  14. And indeed I have found a good sith eye. Similar to the Sith Eyes that Vader and Palpatine have in Ep 6...

    I shall send you a Private Message with my images (Zeltron normal head, Zeltron regular clothing, and Echani head (LS and DS)) so you don't have to use your imagination.

  15. and so, it (hopefully) ends.


    Do you think I should stick the Inheritor somewhere on Mustafar for someone? :p

  16. And while you were gone, everything just went to hell.


    Looks like your avy just came back from it.

    (BTW, check your PMs)

  17. And, the other night, out of pure boredom, I modeled a saber. Actually, 2 sabers. A double and a single variant. The double one is two of the single sabers (duh) connected by a series of (brass) tubes.

    I'll send you a PM with it shortly...

  18. because of my mad ninja skillz.

    nah, i got a break because i did some of the work i was missing. now i have to complete some or the rest of the work, which is spanish.


    and school has been really funny lately. our english teacher likes to pick on this kid joesph. he put his hood on, and, without even looking at the poor kid, yelled at him to take it off. and i sit next to my friends in class, so, trust me; lulz have insued.

  19. been grounded :\ (due to failing grades that aren't above a B :\)


    but before grounding, i was able to make some serious progress on my Inheritor 2.0. In fact, all the needs to be done is the placing of the crystals, and putting a saber on Dantooine. that means I have the 2das done, along with icons (yes, new icons for the saber, and customs for the crystal)

  20. But I have the coordination of a drunken bear.


    *falls over*

  21. But of course, like usual, you won't see it until at least 2011 :p


    I played the demo of L4D2, and I liked the new features, including the melee weapons which the first l4d should have had.


    if you want, you could come onto the TH chat and talk about stuff.


    im lonely >.>

  22. But your underground? How would you have gotten out of the ground?


    And with a missing leg, it wouldn't take long for you to pass out, and soon after, die from blood loss.

  23. Cool. I am liking all the pictures you, Q, and Doc have posted. And now to read through the monster for any sort of modeling tips.

    And I'll be sure to post as much as I possibly can in the group. :)


    Also, I'm gathering up the files for that thing we talked about.

  24. D:

    Where did you come from!


    *is BIOShazard*

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