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Status Updates posted by ForeverNight

  1. Not much. In a study hall and stole a spare moment to get on LF. Other than just fighting off general illness that's it. You?

  2. Nothing, really... just a lot of homework from Real-Life



  3. Alright! Not trying to be pushy either!

  4. Hey, just a quick note to see if you're still interested in United We Stand it seems to have just died as we were talking on the Glider...


    Just a quick note to see what's going on...

  5. It's re-written, hopefully you can use it for something later in the RP. Have fun!

  6. ?!?! You can DO that?! :xp:


    Just having fun with you Jedi. :D

  7. Zombies Walk might be interesting to do a rehash of, yea. Just so long as it doesn't turn into a big afk fest like Zombie War did.

  8. not much. Kinda disappointed that your RP died, I know that would've got me back here much earlier than finding myself having some extra free time did :xp:

  9. Jedi, I think it's your turn to post in Zombie War....

  10. I've been pretty good, did some traveling and just got back yesterday. As for Zombie Warr, well we're waiting on Jedi to Post... and Xero is being rather annoying with his story line that nobody is following.


    Sigh. That was the nice part about Zombies walk, there was essentially only Jedi, CQ, Chev, Ataris and I as opposed to having xero -who I think nobody really pays attentions to along with the other guy that's not you... can't remember his name.

  11. You know... I would have to say that it wouldn't change color!


    Anyway, why did the lemmings cross the road?

  12. Hopefully. Should be interesting once we're on the cruiser... looks like I'm going to start blowing up walls on Team 2's way in... :D

  13. Nah, truth be told I absolutely hate console FPS's. I absolutely love the commercials I've seen for it though, makes me wish for a full length Halo movie sometimes..... (I think I just committed a cardinal sin of gaming :xp:)

  14. Just posted, and I noticed that you might wanna change many miles away on Eri V to many lightyears away. Just to keep the proper scale. :xp:

  15. Yeah, though the Mayan Calender doesn't end then, it just goes into another cycle

  16. Rusk? You the same guy from FFN?

  17. Hey VP, was at your neck of the woods a little while ago; so, how are ya?

  18. Funny enough, I still pop in every so often.... whatever happened to it?

  19. Hey J7, just realized I have nothing going on and I haven't heard from you in a while. Anything interesting going on with you that I can hijack into a conversation? Or are you as doomed to boredom as I am right now? Oh, and I like your location! (Is that new?)

  20. Yeah..... dammit, I miss Ryl Thryyn and Kevak Phobos and all those people!!!


    Would've been nice to be able to finish that story arc... sometime..... :(

  21. Eh, not much. Going through the grind that is High School and praying that I'll eventually get my modeling problems fixed. Reading a few books, nothing major ATM but I'm thinking I'll eventually pick up something of Nietzsche or Kierkegaard. Anyway, have fun with the Job Hunt and E-mailing modders.... :D

  22. Eh, just would be lost amid the clutter, I mean there's a huge amount of "go after the true sith" type RP's... nah, a new RP is needed.... hmmm...... alternate history maybe?

  23. You know, I actually had a lot of fun with it. I know that if my schedule hadn't been as screwed up as it was that year I would've even enjoyed it more, but I thought it was fun... you?

  24. Always a good thing to hear, especially as you're involved in the sequal. Now that would suck, you hated the original and got roped into the sequal, what a way to spend your time online.

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