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Status Updates posted by Ulmont

  1. Tools, Guns, Keys to Super-weapons



  2. Uh, try drawing the following:


    A new character


    A new gun


    A indoors-environment.

  3. Um, can you biew all of your textures without UnrealED Crashing?


    (Go find an existing shader and duplicate it.

    Rename it (ex: clonetroopersarge_shader)

    Right click it and go to properties or edit or something like that

    Replace texture, might be skin (ex clonetroopersarge)

    That's it)

  4. Um... no. Sorry, I haven't modeled anything for KotOR. :(


    Oh, by the way, here's a PREVIEW OF THE SITH ARMOR!!! *gasp*


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  5. Vor'e Mird'ika. Did you mean like this?


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  6. Whew, thanks. BTW, do you use XP or Vista. Oh and the file is in your C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Republic Commando\GameData\Maps folder.


    If you could send me geo_01a.ctm and geo_01b.ctm.




    Can you use UnrealED?





  8. Would you mind nominating me for the Veteran Modder award? I figure I have a reasonably decent chance of getting it since I've been modding since 2007, and am the Joint-admin of the only living RC mod group out there.


    On a tangent, could you take some screenies of Jabiim. I'm gonna write another update for LFN/ModDB soon, and I'd like some cool footage.

  9. Yeah, and thanks.


    P.s. I think I resolved you scripting issue. Go cheack back on the thread. Good luck on the warp band.

  10. Yeah, I could make flare brighter. As for the bumps:


    Create a shader by duplicating an existing one

    Open up the shader

    Under BumpMap (or something like that) you'll see something like class.texture.clonetextures.clonetroopertextures.clonetrooper_bump

    Swap that out with your bump (just type in yourbump_bump [always put _bump after the bump so you know what it is)

    Viola. Done


    That make sense?

  11. Yeah, it's pretty epic. Ok, I'm not sure if you can view everything if you don't have the prop pack, so I'm gonna send you a map I made awhile ago. Just stick it in the custom-maps folder and load it in-game. LINKZIES


    Oh, and despite the name, this isn't actually Krimount. Meh, sorry, the actual one is one my other computer (the broken one.) I'll re-create it in a jiffy though.

  12. Yeah.


    Quick Tutorial:


    Step 1: Make a normal map

    Step 2: Import the Normal map EXACTLY AS YOU WOULD A NORMAL TEXTURE

    Step 3: Make a SHADER for the texture that you want the normal applied to

    Step 4: Open the shader properties

    Step 5: Apply the normal map under the bump-mapping slot

    Step 6: Open it up ingame (It'll only show up on med & high bump-mapping settings)


    If you want me to make some for you I can do it in Photoshop.

  13. Yep, and nope. ^_^


    [Mass Effect Two in three days wooooot]

  14. You wouldn't believe how hard Czerka was... Here's the Screenies.


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