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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. Well, yeah, Red Bull WAS the same for me, at least...


    ...Until I drank so much of it, it affected my liver and my skin turned a very faint shade of yellow! Don't worry, I still looked awesome (joke), but I had to stop drinking it lol

  2. Hmf. I hope you realise my life revolves around more than reading!


    I'll end up reading it today, though in my state of 'i've had no sleep but I'm hyper on caffine' I may not understand it :xp:


    ps. I noticed your post to HOP (I know, I'm terrible).




    ;) either that or search by:aimo in the search bar on deviantart (that person has amazing comics, too).

  3. Don't worry about it :) opinions are opinions.

    Got an interview saturday

  4. Outside life is alllllll good tar! Yourself?

    I love red bull- it gets me through life lol

  5. I'm off.


    Goodnight. :)

  6. I'm off.


    Good night. :)

  7. I did think it was greed, on the US part. But really, what are people supposed to believe these days?

  8. Yeah, but nukes cause devestation. People using them should be locked away for good. Too right he didn't use them! I mean, sure, people might say the Twin Towers incident was good reason for them, but I don't think so.


    The more technology we have, the more weapons we develop, the worse off the world will be. Because people with power and weaponry means problems. Not just for the people they're against, but a lot of people around the world. In a sense, I guess we're our own worse nightmare.


    Protecting others is right, but retaliating equally as bad to an attack? That's just pure revenge, there. I'll never agree with war, and I'll never agree that the people who cause them are the slightest bit stable. People who think the only way to resolve things is gunning people down, are wrong. I mean, sometimes it might be, but if you look back on history, there have been alternatives.


    Great, now I sound like the Jedi council lol.

  9. I guess that's what makes the difference between cats and dogs. Dogs aren't smart, but they sure can run. :lol: they just don't run out of energy! The only reason I caught them is because one was running into the road, and I adrenaline just hit, so I ran and grabbed her, and the other one just sauntered over, because she follows the other one. Brats.


    My cats scratched a lot. Before they all went, my arms and hands were always covered in cuts. Cats are more wild than dogs - they've got more freedom.

  10. I think it's great that that sort of thing was stopped! If they hadn't, who knows what wouldve happened? It's so ridiculous how people think that way. Do you know WHY they wanted to attack them? Blah. Good on you for a job well done.


    No wars are popular, but guys seem to think it's just all shooting and adventure. At least most of the guys I've ever known. If those sort of people go into a war, it's not going end very well!


    I guess it's because of reckless people that wars exist. I don't blame the troops, because they are just following orders. But why there are still people around who want to kill for religious reasons, or for no reason at all, annoys me. And I have no sympathy for leaders, like George Bush. Not because its popular to hate him, but he's reckless. Or so I've heard, anyway.

  11. Eek, might want to get those scratches cleaned up! Cats can be a pain when they've got their claws out...


    I thought I wasn't EVER going to catch those dogs. But I did. :D I basically came back, dragging one foot along the ground with two dogs in my arms. Not fun.

  12. I do understand your reasons, and many other peoples reasons for joining war - to defend your people - but I don't understand the people behind the declaring of war. It's the leaders that annoy me. Like you said, all the US want is the oil? If I was in that millitary, I'd be one of the first to quit, or question their reasons why. It's not as difficult as WWI or WWII, because there's advanced techology now that they didn't have, but don't you ever doubt what you're doing, sometimes? Or hasn't it come to that, yet?


    I think the ones with no morals are the people who send their troops out. Of course, if it's purely to help people in distress, I have no problem with that, but sometimes... there's no need for a war.

  13. Ohh, I hate it when my dogs get out.


    Once I chased both of them down the street, through the park, and into the next city. O_O I was prepared to keel over and die.

  14. Luckily, I've only broken a bone, once! Doesn't stop me from spraining though. I must be the clumsiest person I know... I think I've had about 10 sprains in my life, all from falling out of trees, falling off bikes... Yeah.


    I never knew that about the X and Y chromosone. Either way, I hope you're not saying there's something wrong with girls :p and you never know, you might get a boy. It all really depends!


    I'm against war, too. I see no point in it, unless someone directly tries to invade you. But even then, whats the point in invading?! Unless the leaders are exploiting their people, and it's purely to help people in that area. But that's all. Hmf.

  15. Ahh. I hate how expensive education is. I just had to pay a £40 fee for BORROWING books from the library. I get it back at the end of the year, but it makes no sense...

    Englands basically turning into America... as of this years first years, they have to stay in school til theyre 18, so college isn't going to exist. :confused: At least, I don't see how it can work out. So I'm one of the last to go to college.

  16. less than three weeks?! How is that even possible? I've only had a broken bone once, and it took forever. It drew my drawing skills back a lot. (had a broken arm).


    That's the problem with those kinds of jobs... there's always a risk. I wouldn't want to take that risk, even if i was interested in joining a job of that nature, though I guess if you like something enough...

  17. What, they don't think education is important? Don't they realise that once their generation is gone, the lack of education would ruin the country? :confused:


    If you looked at my past, you could hardly call me rational lol. Though I am more rational than people I know, I've still got a lot to learn!

  18. That's really unfortunate. And there's no way to bring hearing back, is there? Or is there? At least there's laser eye surgery... I'd rather be deaf than blind, though I wouldn't like to be any if I could help it. At least you enjoy it, and that's what matters, right? :)

  19. She just had a bottle of wine, she's just being overly cheery/annoying lol. I hate it when my parents are drunk - they're sooo annoying. My dad turns into a know it all, and my mum goes all happy. *shudder* and not in the good way.


    More in control? What do you mean?

  20. Well I knew it was WWII, but most people weren't even around to know what went on. They're just going on parents opinions.


    ...I'm about the only culturally open minded, non-racist person in my family. Actually, I am the only one. Shows I have my own brain, and I've not just nicked someone elses.


    If you go to England, go to London and Manchester. :) London's expensive, though. Then again, all of England is. It's cool that you get to travel so much in your job - eventually - I'd like a job like that.

  21. When I'm on my own on the bus or something, I like to drown out background sound, and just listen to music. It's kind of relaxing. I went without music for a week, and I almost turned crazy.


    Scratch that. I am crazy.


    I can't remember the slavery guy... I liked making those thugs run into the central pit though... that was always fun. I plan on visiting Nar Shaddaa last, so I have Force Persuade. :xp: so this time i'm getting Hanharr *sigh* gotta' prepare for an annoying grunting wookiee.


    I like Yuthura, never turned on her. Uthar's just annoying.


    ...Oh god, my mums drunk. T_T;

  22. I have nothing against Germans! I don't understand why people do - they invented my favourite food... Long live Schnitzel! I want to visit some time in my life, maybe during a gap year. I also want to visit Switzerland (the accents hilarious) and Russia (Anastasia was there) I have strange ambitions, I know.


    Wow, you're basically the world, you have so many roots. Your family must love different cultures...

  23. I'm one of those people who turns the volume on their iPod up so high, virtually everyone else can hear. I also stare at computer screens. So if I end up deaf/blind, I have no one else to blame, except for Apple and Microsoft! :D


    What can I say? I love music and reading.


    We should join the Anti Big Nose League. Damn big nosed people who have stolen the average glasses size :fist:


    I'm on TLS atm, dark side female, and I'm on Telos, murdering some guy whose apartment I broke into. Aren't I lovely?

  24. I'm partly Irish, Scottish and of course, English. But French? :o hmf. (I'm joking) though once, I went to France and these French douchebags laughed at me because I was English. :¬:


    Wow, interesting job youve got there. Better than what I'm going for an interview on this Saturday... And there is no luck, there is only the Force. :lol:

  25. I think my character was quite capable first play through, so I didn't find it too difficult. Though, if I didn't construct my character very well, I'd probably lose. It all depends on what feats/attributes you pick, really.


    Short sights a pain, I bet. Then again, all sight issues are a pain. Though I'd rather have that than be blind. If I was blind, I couldn't do anything...

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