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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. Sorry. My computer stopped running kotor so I couldn't test it. I got a new computer now, and once I get everything transferred I'll finish it up.

  2. I would like to say thank you for making TSLRCM. Best. Mod. EVer.

  3. I think Sleheyron is cursed. Whenever somebody takes up the project, they end up leaving it unfinished. :( Oh well... I guess its not meant to happen...

  4. Why did you leave? I wanted to talk to you!

  5. Hey, come back to hss?

  6. How come you are starting a new account?

  7. Hey. Hows it going?

  8. Hey, when do you think you could work on the bik movies again?

  9. Hey! I got my new computer so I can mod again! Hopefully I can have CG done by the end of the summer (or at least close to it)

  10. i got my alienware!

  11. Sorry logan, i had my sound off :/

  12. Thats fine. I wont really be able to use it till the 10th of next month as my computer decided it will not run any of the programs i need. No 3d modeling. No kotor. :(

  13. Hi Jae. I found this tool on the internet that allows you to make your own pokemon game for an emulator. I have been working with this for the past few days, and i started thinking, who would want to test this? Would you happen to know anyone who might want to? ;)

  14. Hey, sorry i missed you, i didn't hear the chatbox.

  15. Hey, come to hss?

  16. It looks really nice, would you mind letting me use it in my own game?

  17. Hey, that head in the screenshots of Dak's WIP thread, is that custom?

  18. Sith Holocron said that you may like some help with the GenoHaradan quest restoration.

  19. when you get your name changed, does it change your log in name too?

  20. Thats fine, i just want to see it:)

  21. Hey, hows things been going, and why the hell are you not on my friendslist:confused:?

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