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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. Well happy bday!

  2. is it your bday today?

  3. Open them up with the hex editor.

    Click on the 9th icon from the left (looks like a magnifying glass with arrows)


    Make sure text string is selected. In the first field, put the original prefix for the area's skin. In the second put yours.

  4. My thoughts exactly.

  5. Exrtact the model files (mdl and mdx) for whatever module you used. (there should be many) and download http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/freeware/xvi32/xvi32.htm

    You will need that program for the next step

  6. Is that all you changed in the names?

  7. Did you rename the textures?

  8. Hey- your prison mod is looking nice. I would suggest looking up how to reskin modules. It will give the mod a unique feel.

  9. To my knowlage, unless you replace an existing armor it wont work.

  10. Hey, i made a link to badge for my site. Would you mind adding it you yours? (and making one for your site too)

  11. Hey, is the affiliate program still on kotor files?

  12. Just wanted to chat, drop by hss when you can

  13. Hey? You around?

  14. Can you talk on hss now?

  15. Hey Q, does the public release of kauora editor support emitters? Im not quite sure it does...

  16. Haven't been home so I haven't been able to check it.

  17. Hey, would you mind sending me that word doc soon?

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