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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. Hey, do by chance know when the new kaurora editor is going to be released? You said it uses a new version of nwmax so since my computer crashed I am waiting till that comes out before I install NWMax.

  2. NickVader wants to help w/ project Shadows.

  3. Do you listen to rock music?

  4. Hey, I got another modder for the TC mod, but before I can devote my time to it, we (me and the other modder) need to finish our TC mod. Care to help? (i can PM you more details, involves EPIC STAR WARS)

  5. You may be getting a new badge soon.

    4 recommendations!

  6. My computer got the blue screen of death. Luckily I saved (most) of my files. This is going to set back CG :(

  7. good to see there is another person who likes good music around here. RIP The Rev :(

  8. Happy B-day!(so says team hssiss's site)

  9. ok, good, cuz he looks a little strange.

  10. Who's the guy in the first pic?

  11. Hey, hows it going?

  12. Did you ever get pics of the helmets?

  13. I'm gone from my modding comp till Monday or possibly tomorrow, if I'm lucky.

  14. Your back, again.

  15. Is that what it is?

  16. check team hssiss group

  17. Hey, could I use one of your twilek renders for a sign in my module? (I would just cut out the twilek itself, not the background)

  18. Is taking a picture of something in TSL and then putting it in k1 porting?

  19. im done 90% with keldabe. I just need some advice to finish it. Do you have time to talk now?

  20. Hey, do you have any idea when the new KAurora editor will be released? Im holding back getting my new module in the game to wait for it. It wouldn't work well without lightmaps.

  21. Im at hss. Home comp now.

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