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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. Canderous' Glory

  2. Logan- To add to what LOH said Juansman is quite good. He did some work on helos, and CG and his stuff is damn good. Also i could write that dlg editor tutorial. (if it will help your mod go faster :p)

  3. Hey, I was wondering how you keep getting all this info on cut content.

  4. Hey, I need to take to you about CG. come to hss?

  5. Well if they want it so close to their concept then I really can't do a render.

  6. @sig

    i would prefer just a helmet, and some quote. Behind it I want the mandalorian skull. For the quote, use what you wish!


    @the city lay out

    there are brownish orange colored squares. What are they?

  7. Hi, glad to have some fresh meat on the team. Sadly I got nothing for you do to atm.

  8. No cuz I don't have it, and never have.

  9. No I do not have that problem.

  10. I finished remaking the kotor icon pack. It shall be up on my site now.

  11. Thanks ner'vod!

    (oh, and i am still working on my site as we speak)

  12. I would like some Mandalorians in it somewhere.


    Oh, my site has been changed.

  13. I don't really know :p Go crazy!


    (and I can wait. Take your time)

  14. I need a new Mandalorian sig. Do you think you could make me one? You are better at making Mandalorian-like pictures...

  15. Hey, If you need me to make models, I can. But you need to give me some freedom in them....

  16. Naa, its just a bookshelf lolz :xp:

  17. Have you read the end to my fanfic yet?

  18. Thanks. I was getting worried as this one room was reaching about 10k and I had the whole rest of the building to do.

  19. I'm being lazy :p I don't feel like fixing the patcher so I want you to search your override folder for the files: appearance.2da portraits.2da and heads.2da. If you have any of those files in there, I will need you to send em to me.

  20. I was kinda hoping you would play WaW...

  21. You said that on interior models you can have a higer poly count due to the vis file. Would you mind telling me how high it can be? (just an estimate)

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