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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. Did you ever finish you're R2-D2 model?

  2. Do you have oblvion for the PC or Xbox, or PS3?

  3. Yea, I have been sick the past few days so i didn't have time. TSL right?

  4. Chapter 2 and 3 are up.

  5. Chapter 2 and 3 is up.

  6. I was board yesterday so I watched the clone wars. It is SCREWING THE JEDI UP... they were keeping kill-counts.. isn't that against everything the Jedi are?

  7. How do you do all this modeling-animations goodness!

  8. For BOPC you can still launch your launcher. Inside your main kotor directoy is an exe file named launcher. Use that.

  9. pictures of my model....? Or yours?

  10. Is a higer polly walkmesh good?

  11. One quick question about walkmeshes. Do they need to be one object?

  12. I finished the helmet

  13. Oh- if you need the texture files I can send em.

  14. @Below-

    I have it.

    @D3- If you want I can give it to you so you can upload it.

  15. VP- Stratagyinformer.com wants to host FFM. Care to let em?

  16. Thanks, you may want to check the brightness on your monitor. See if it can go any higher.



    Heres a bigger version of the pic


  17. Great work on Sleheyron so far. Man, how did you get so good at modeling?

  18. Hallo Marius, whats new? You seem to have caught modding fever.



    lolz looks like you are an infant Marius


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