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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. I've always welcomed your help, unless your yelling at me.

  2. How do you know if you get an infraction?

  3. How did yat actually manage to drive you away?

  4. Finished your helix.

  5. Trig- How do you export uvs from 3ds for texturing?

  6. How did you learn to make sexy textures from scratch for your models?

  7. Cool, at hss now.

  8. Well read my fic, its about the TC mod. Thats about all I have though.

  9. He is fast ill give him that. The story is being made slower than the modules lol.

  10. That curved hilt you liked is going to be used in kwip- http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=196067&page=5

    Thats it textured there.

  11. Placable problems and resetxfoums problems and scripting problems.

  12. Un-productive. I keep running into problems.

  13. Hi, hows it going?

  14. Is your avatar making fun of AP?

  15. Could you just send me what you had? I am good at finding errors.

  16. oCreature = n_dn

    int GetIsDead(object oCreature);

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