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Everything posted by JesusIsGonnaOwnSatan

  1. i used to like xbox better, but since i saw the ps3 first hand... melikey!

    the online is free?? whoa, didnt know that!

    the wii is novel, but i agree. i want hd!

    but it might be a while till i get a console. i intend to, sometime later. but more than that i want a really good computer. its been my dream since i was 5. but i know someone who was in the computer scene, and for the time had an super uber computer. but he bought a playstation some time afterwords because he got sick of the computer thing: every time a new game comes out, you have to make sure your comp fits the requirements, update drivers, maybe encounter some problems, fix it, etc. he said with a console, you get a game, and it just works! no hassle. ill probably do that, but right now i want that hassle if it means a transparent powerhouse of a computer with an awesome case decked with neon lights and all the bells and whistles! that, or i'll get myself a lamborghini laptop....:3heart:

  2. i tried to pay my dad, but he would have none of it!

    well, some lessons learned from this: 1.appreciate your parents; they pay for our stupidity more often than not. 2. locksmiths must be rich. and 3. i shall *never* sleep on that couch again.. :lol:

    about games, what platform do you usually play on? i use computers because right now i just like them better, and installing kotor mods would be such a pain on console! maybe sometime i might get a ps3 or something.

  3. IM IN!!

    although we had to fork out $75/15 minutes for a locksmith.... :eyepop

    but then, they need to put bread on the table...

    about the key: the last owners of the house actually didn't give us a key for it!

    insurance doesnt cover this... only if we lost the key. ah well, the price of honesty i suppose.

    im going to dismantle the lock and make a key for it. if only we had done it before! endorenna, if you or anyone you know happens to have a door with no key like this right now, get a key made! before its too late. i feel so stupid right now...

    i had the worst sleep in my life last night on the couch. awake till 3 am, woken up by everyone else at 6 or 7. that couch... it looks so deceivingly comfortable, with it's fluffy arms... when i was woken up i was quite uncomfortable with my head at some obscene angle. my family was milling around in the room. i wanted to say "go away!" but it just came out as "uuuuuung." i guess its kinda mean, but when you have 3 hours of sleep, beams of sunlight piercing youre eyes, and your neck at a 45 degree angle, you're a different person.

  4. oh crud. i locked myself out of my room. it needs a key, i dont have it. im sleeping on the couch. :cry6: my phone's alarm is going and snoozing every five minutes with noone to shut it up. i thought itll alarm itself out of power but then i realised... its plugged in. this is so comical.



    this has happened to me before, but that was the house. i had to break in in a very unflattering manner (half haning out of a teeny bathroom window trying to squeeze in and not fall headfirst into the toilet...)

    but my room just can't be broken into.

    ack! and i just remembered i have to go somewhere tommorow morning! but my clothes are in my room! aaaaaaaah!!!

    OHNO! my laptop's running out of power and the charger is IN MY ROOM!!


  5. i play all sorts. but i own mostly sw ones.

    my friend lent me a whole spindle of games a couple weeks ago :D but havnt played to many of them. i am currently playing need for speed underground 2(fun!) but ive been mostly on LF past week. and did other stuff before that.

  6. i wish i'd finish them too! :lol:

  7. why, thankew! :D

    are you a christian?

  8. lol! yeah i always get ideas for stories, but i never get around to writing them! ive written one or two, but they always become those unfinished projects that whine in the back of your mind on a quiet afternoon. "fiiiiiiniiiishhhh uuuuuuuusss!"

    i have jotted down a bunch of ideas that will probably never see the light of day again...

    its just writing/typing them takes forever, and speech to text programs just never work right. :¬: i also get inspiration sometimes when listening to music. i love sweeping musical montages and can even get those tingles when speculating my stories... ive even devised a way to have musical montages if fanfics but it never gets done. alas, "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is truly weak!" :lol:

  9. hi! id like to reply to your post in anakin vs revan, but im just about to go to church! (bible study) hopefully i might be able to when i get back. :)

  10. hello! youve befriended me!:D

  11. its all over the place! i like some of

    nickelback, some of the police,(oldskool!) some of linkin park, a few evanescance songs,

    killers songs, and i like one republic. i also like some of a few bands you may not have heard of: reliant K and a band called nesian mystik. then i like some random favorites. yknow, old songs that are just classic. (example, that song by aerosmith...'I dont wanna miss a thing', and more that i cant remember) i also listen to star wars music. i bought the ep3 soundtrack pretty much for the song "Anakin's Betrayal". that song gave me tingles like never before when i saw ep3. so sad :cry6: but the music i *love* the most is coldplay. i have all their albums and im stalking on online auction sites for their latest album! that may give you the impression that im a music junkie, but far from it! i just know what i like. i hardly listen to the radio because IMO most of the stuff on is rubbish!

    i mostly like stuff like coldplay and one republic, but sometimes i like to rock out to something like linkin park (but not any "bad" songs mind you. :lol:) but on the whole, i really dont listen to music much. honest! :lol:

  12. what's your taste in music?

  13. no i havnt. my friend likes it just as much as you. :lol: his entire family gets the movies/series out and watches them. yeah i like star wars of course. i won a 2004 box set edition of the OT on a tv show. the thing was to make a star wars rap and the best ones would win prizes. well, i had a little knack for making stupid rhymes, and i liked/knew a bit about sw, and the prizes were awesome, so my brain went into overdrive and a emailed my entry 15 minutes later. and i won! not the first prize, but im glad i didnt! the first prize was a darth vader voice changer helmet. i won one of the runner up prizes: the dvd box set (including bonus disk with 4+ hours of special features), two star wars figures, and the first book of the 'last of the jedi' series.

    (did i get more..? cant remember:lol:)

    i havnt seen it in a while though. but one of my favorite movies is the bourne trilogy! jason bourne is.the.*man*.!

  14. i know. i definitely wont!

    i like seeing/reading/playing things in order. id hate doing it in a different order.

    i saw the first one quite a while ago. i think i'll have to see it again. hopefully see al three in quick succession. (i love doing that :D ) from what i remember, it was great!

    what other movies do you like?

  15. JC...? dont know that abbreviation :animelol:

    ive seen the first one and have access to the third one, but refuse to watch it till i see the second one! :lol:

    i think ill get it next time i go to the video rental shop... or maybe even get it off itunes!

  16. JC? :animelol:

    ive seen the first one and have access to the third one, but refuse to watch it till i see the second one! :lol:

    i think ill get it next time i go to the video rental shop... or maybe even get it off itunes!

  17. hey, is that keira knightley in your avatar?

  18. im able to check the forums on average every day.

    but ive set up a macro on my browser that takes me to lucasforumsm logs me in and takes me to my cp. and all i have to do is press one button! :D

    so its pretty fast checking my cp, but of course the time spending comes when there are new posts in subscribed threads. and then replying.

  19. it depends on how much you want to see it.

    no doubt people are going to stick it on youtube.

    but if k3 came out and had special features like that on different platforms, id definitely try the others. but werent the patches going to bring the special stuff onto next gen?

  20. whoo! thats great! what platform?

  21. yeah, its the price of 'the social contact cake'. you get it, but there are worms inside it.

    but dangnammit, im gonna eating it anyway! *bites hypothetical cake*

  22. wow really? i would think they would have made it good for last gen-ers. well, maybe microsoft threw their weight on LA or something and demanded that they made next gen completely superior :lol: (they're like that, apparently)

    i dont wanna see the video cause i dont want spoilers :D

    bah. being on LF, ill probab;y get force fed some till the game holds as much thrill as 'the teletubbies' no wait, thats a horror series... :rofl:

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