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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. That's good to here that the teaching is fun, yeah, jobs like the QA can be stressful but still fun:D So, anything really new lately, and how was your Thanksgiving? {if you celebrate it that is, I've gotten kinda' confused as to which people celebrate it here:D}

  2. Well, Elvis dude=weird, good video and music though.

  3. Cool video indeed, and very alluring link {click the link, you know you want to}


    Very good indeed, I agree with what you said, music fits! :D

  4. Wait, Mr. T? I knew a Mr. T. Probably not the same, though, no offense taken. :D

  5. I'm not a FOOL!!! I just didn't know, I'll go check it out.

  6. What? Sitherino is leaving?

  7. Come come, look at the parentheses!!!! I thought it was obvious!!! :D


    You shall find out! Everyone else will too, but you will find out! :D

  8. Well, I have told you, now, I await the moderators to approve my choice of thread...and I had no idea you hated RED strawberries, what about blue? Hee hee, if you look carefully, you will find the subject..:D

  9. So, you wish for a hint, eh? Hmmmmmmm............that must remain a "secret." There, if you are clever, you'll find that I gave you the topic, now I must start a thread at Javyar's, and depart unto the West...:D


    *looks at white shores and red strawberries from boat*

  10. True, perhaps I should give the squirrels a sporting chance...:D They're just really really kinda' intimidating, you shouldn't look a squirrel in the eye, they're intense..:D


    Ahhh, Guilin is technically the "classic" landscape, eh? Sounds very beautiful indeed, it is now a new goal to visit:D


    Oh, members of Parliament? Oh dearie, sorry about the misunderstanding there:( Yep, we have the same problem with our politicians here, in some cases they can be good, others, rather idiotic. Heh, that's politics:D


    Oy, yeah, I understand the internet slowness thingy, aghhh!!! It's so bad that I can't do anything involving games and internet...it makes downloading nearly impossible....So you play the Sims? What version?

  11. Well, Chev, job well done, and good luck next competition, we will meet again!!!! :D

  12. Wll, there are a few rabid squirrels, but luckily these squirrels don't come out that often this time of year. Yes, rabid squirrels surprisingly exist in places like Paris, and closer to me over here, Los Angeles, the squirrels are evil there. If there is a squirrel in a trash can at UCLA college, avoid the trash can, lest the evil squirrel protects its meal...scary...:D


    Yeah, I could commission my dog in such a task, good idea, much easier then having to lay in wait with a horribly inaccurate weapon... :D


    So, have you been Guilin many times? That place sounds like a good place to visit, hmm, maybe a future goal for me.


    So, the Military Police are a bit too proud to admit their foot in mouth condition? Oy, well, that must be interesting seeing them do stuff like that. Do the MP's have a large presence over there? Much like the police over here, or more so? Anything really new or newish besides the holiday going on?

  13. I can't die, I'm INVINCIBLE!!!!

  14. Ahh, Thanksgiving was great! I hunut with my family and we ate a ton of food! Then we laughed alot and played a number of board games! My Brother's friend beat us all by a landslide, on the first time he ever heard of the game!! :D We question whether or not he wa telling the truth, or was a secret master of the game... :D

  15. Yes, I kill ANNOYING squirrels, I don't kill squirrels randomly. Those who attempt to steal vegetables and flowers or plan on biting me, get the bullet. It does sound rather gruesome, though.... :D

    So, for your holiday, where did you go? Must've been alot of fun! So, what's new besides being schnozzled and tired, how's Malaysia doing for ya? :D

  16. Oh, you know, blowing up battle droids and planning invasions...that and I've been writing and helping get a turkey for Thanksgiving over here. It's been alot of fun! :D

  17. Well Mach, excellent job with your recent installment of "Family of Choice!" I hope to se more soon! I couldn't find any problems with the grammar, and the story in this part is excellent! Job well done! :D

  18. I'm sorry if you had to delete any of my posts because of spam, I was trying not to but it was unintentional. I'll try to avoid posting what can be counted as spam.

  19. You sure....*keeps self from busting out*


    Just kidding, I won't laugh if it's a typo... :D

  20. Good to hear your alright, I'll be praying that the situation improves greatly.

  21. Oy, these Extremists have definately caused a a major problem this time, wouldn't this be the biggest that's happened in a while. Oy, I hope the situation is handled correctly so that less people are killed and injured. Are you okay from this, were you close to the fighting?

  22. I'm really sorry about that, I haven't heard about that yet, forgive me on that. But honestly, we have had several shootings over here, too, though not as bad as these, I'm sorry. The situation, I hope, has been controlled?

  23. Really? In real life have you been avoiding these things? Oh...well, in that case I have avoided several shootings myself. So, is that all that's new these days? Noground-breaking news? :D

  24. Ahh, that wouldn't do to well...Hopefully that problem can be fixed...

  25. WOW. That saber design is impressive....very very impressive. Congratulations on it, I hope you put it into your mods, that will download nicely....:D

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