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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Everything posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. i did but they only have limeted knowledge.

    so hows the beskar mod going?

  2. yes but i wish to learn more about them :D

    and BTW only the 9 elders are immortal :D

  3. darn... i should hit the library :xp:

    i really wish to know more of Lycans

  4. *short

    you still don't have as many posts.

    *random question* do you know of any sites about Lycanology?

  5. it would seem thy noble Administraterror hath fallen shor on thy post count o_Q

  6. yay!!!! junior member who hates titles!!!! your a JM!!!!

  7. that it was and nothing less. now thy noble Anministerror shalt restore the posts of our brotheren, Mandalore the Shadow.

  8. i see Darth333 hath shown mercy to thy soul o_Q

  9. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. ah... close enough to orange

  11. hey man, i like the orange!

  12. wow... i looked at him and he died o_O

  13. just wait till you see what i have in my QUICK SMILEY BOX!!!









  14. picture.php?albumid=404&pictureid=4150

    and now you shall perish picture.php?albumid=404&pictureid=4150

  15. i see Commander Dimal has seen that too

  16. :ball:

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  17. picture.p...pictureid=4150

    why would i EVER do that?


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