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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Everything posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. hm...*off topic* are you into the old paper & pencil RPG games?

  2. don't know. i'll try it again later. so are you working on any mods?

  3. i is back! but the ktool install didn't work :(

  4. will do! well i got to go. talk to you later

  5. well i'll stick with that for now. how do i do the skinning?

  6. well can you do it on GIMP?

  7. well i got to go. i'll be on later today

  8. nope. i wil do that now... next step?

  9. how do you paste new images onto the current one on GIMP

  10. ok i'm using GIMP. but how do i paste another picture onto the current one?

  11. ah... IT'S ON EVERY :swear: DAY HERE IN AMERICA!!!!!

  12. how dare you like that show!!! :swear::xp:

  13. i don't see Download GIMP 2.6.7

  14. BTW sorry for the late response

  15. what should i use though?

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