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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Everything posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. by the way you should sign the Declaration of Rebellion

  2. haha. yup. i like that part :xp:

  3. you should join the group then

  4. Late welcome to the forums!

  5. greetings... i am not trying to sell you something :D

  6. as President of the Clone Wars Haters group i highly recommend that you sign the Declaration of Rebllion. as of now you have 2 days to do so

  7. HAHAHAHA!!!!!! i love the new avvy!

  8. the new one. i actualy rather like the old one

  9. welcome to the forums francieszek!

  10. yeah i think i just sent it to everyone :xp:

  11. greetings... i am not trying to sell you something :D

  12. so have you figured out how to use an avatar or do you just not want one

  13. the series itself, its fans and the producers

  14. thats fine. i can get someone else to do it. thats why i wanted to know your opinion on the series :xp: weve started a rebellion :xp:

  15. i'm not sure if it's like this for you, but the site has a glitch. when you go to the forum section you must scroll all the way down to see the posts :(

  16. i am offering you a life time oppertunity to be my advisor in the clone wars series haters group. to do this you must join. i know you said you havn't seen much of it but thats a good thing :xp:

  17. well the parts youve seen

  18. welcome to the forums darth darkus! i is known as Scav in these parts

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