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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. Behold, for the nerfing wast an accident. And now that the noble Administraterror hath restored my post count, I shall once again join the ranks of my custom titled brethren.



  2. But do you want a pic of a Mandalorian, or something more like this?





  3. BWAHAHA! And now you must bow before my awesomeness youngling!:lol:


    So, how you been?:D

  4. By the way, remember that idea of making HK-47 into a Krath War Droid? I'm still willing to do the skin, and maybe you could model a staff for him.




  5. Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman: Chuck Norris who?


    *Chuck Norris keels from the combined awesomeness of the former two*

  6. CommanderQ, I know you are accusing me of fearing ducks to hide your own fear...



  7. Cool. And here's an image of Jag for the mod holo on your site if you want to use it...

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  8. Cool.

    Tell me, does this please the Master of Shadow?

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  9. Could be a dynamic IP, or perhaps Tor? If the mods were able to check for Tor nodes that might tell a bit more.

    He's been following you for how long? And why exactly? :raise:

  10. Cuy'val Dar...

    That's it:p

  11. Darn!:p

    I was hoping to have the insignia of my site on there:D

  12. DarthDac? Is that you?:p



  13. Depends, are you wearing glasses from the 60's?:p

    Yeah I changed the color.:D

  14. Didn't leave me much of a choice there did ya?:smirk2:




    Go ahead ner'vod.

  15. Do you think my problem could have something to do with my playing Best of PC?


    BTW: Your Image links don't seem to work.

  16. Don't sass me boy!:swear:



  17. Don't talk down to me Sith!


    :pJust saying hi.:D

  18. Dude! You made you before I could make me! That is a quality skin ner'vod. It doesn't look like you just desaturated it and added the orange.:D

    Are you going to add more of the orange?

  19. Exceedingly so! Many thanks, good sir. Sorry about the tardiness in responding. I've had a bit of a chaotic time doing some webserver restructuring, and designing a new theme for Logicisms. Site's offline, but I did wish to express interest in the Malachor suggestion.

    Think you could send me the skybox files? Can't promise a lot of concision, what with the holiday season and accompanying chaos, but I'll certainly see what I can do.

  20. Excuse me oh powerful Administrator:bow:

    But has my post count been nerfed?

  21. Fear of ducks! Are you talking to yourself again Q? I have no such fear. Ducks taste delicious.


    {We are the kings of nerds. You should see my desktop background:xp:}

  22. Filters -> Distort -> Wind


    Its at the bottom of the distort list.

  23. Filters -> Light and Shadow or Filters -> Artistic -> Softglow


    /\Those are what I use. There is also a more complicated way if those don't work for you.

  24. Fine.

    *Gets the next ten pages of the contract, as well as a magnifying glass to read the fine print*

  25. First off: His attitude is mild compared to that of most Sith Lords. When most would have considered a way to escape, he was contemplating the fashion choices of the Sith.

    Second: When he walked faster than the senate guards, he didn't berate them in his thoughts, he offered a logical explanation as to why he was faster.

    Third: Most Sith probably would have thought of hideous ways to make the Jedi council suffer, he observed each of their attitudes and moods.


    I like this guy. He is less like a stereotypical Sith Lord, and more like Revan. Yet at the same time remaining a unique character.

    I look forward to the next chapter

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