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Everything posted by Trench

  1. Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman: Chuck Norris who?


    *Chuck Norris keels from the combined awesomeness of the former two*

  2. Isn't it?


    *sends Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman after CQ*





  3. Artistic Star Cluster w/ eclipse. :D

  4. Show spoiler
    (hidden content - requires Javascript to show)

  5. I'm homeschooled. And for the original pic, go here:


  6. That you did ner'vod. :D

  7. Cool. Don't go calling me an old man though. :xp:

  8. That's odd. They're usually to the far right of the screen. Anyway, my b-day is March 5th.

  9. Take a look at the mini statistics.

  10. It's all on my profile.

  11. Church. We do a live radio broadcast on wednsdays and I'm the announcer.

  12. Maybe I'm just not using the right conversion process. But I can't check right now, I'm in the car using my phone.

  13. Around 1MB. But for some reason files always save in larger sizes on the comp I'm using.

  14. Weird. Maybe if you save it on your comp it'll go down.

  15. The previous looked a little light for deep jungle like Kashyyyk. And I did more than green it up. :xp:

  16. I edited your camo trooper a bit. You want I should send it over?

  17. I'll post a link in the thread and they can join the group.

  18. Only group members are able to post. :(

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