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Everything posted by Trench

  1. Trench

    I won't post in Kavar's, but I have to say something about the way you responded to J-MKII:

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    Good day to you sir. o_Q

  2. Maybe when I finish with my current series I'll get back into it eh? :)

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I won't be continuing that one sadly. My story conflicted too greatly with the one BioWare is laying out and it just wouldn't have worked. :(

  4. *pours water on Demongo*


    *demongo is extinguished*

  5. *activates detonators, sending Demongo flying*


    Didn't see that coming did ya?

  6. You will obey your Mand'alor! We are the Carbonite Modders! :xp:

  7. FTR: You are in the Carbonite Modders group ner'vod. Its the ARC Trooper Mod Team group.

  8. I might not be able to catch it. It would be worth it though to see Obi-Wan get the osik beaten out of him by the Kyr'tsad.

  9. You select what you want to feather, you go to the feather option in the selection menu, and select the amount you want to feather. Then you invert your selection (Ctrl+I) and press the delete button.

  10. Awesome! Great work ner'vod.

  11. Mir'sheb. :xp:



  12. @avvy: Sith Mint. :p

  13. Just so I'm clear on this, the SuperMod click installers versions are the "SUPERGUN 1 MOD" and "SUPERGUN 2 MOD", and "SUPERMOD V3.0 INSTALL" files right?

  14. Not yet. It still needs more work.

  15. Got it. I'll start tonight.

  16. A Trojan you mean? Trojans are viruses that masquerade as friendly programs, causing damage to your computer. After you run the backup Google Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and download it. It cleaned up my computer like nobody's business.

  17. Sure. Send it to my PM box.

  18. Hey Trig, when modeling a head, should I use restXform before I export or no?

  19. Nevermind. >_>


    Check out the GOT...

  20. U has mah bukkit?

  21. I'll see what I can come up with sure. Just PM me some basic concepts and I'll GIMP something.

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