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Everything posted by Trench

  1. Some friendly advice, I would just ignore anything that jmac (aka: Det. Bart Lasiter) says. It'll lead to nowhere fast.

  2. You look guilty for some reason...

  3. I'll check it out, Handmaiden :lol:

  4. You should be getting paid for that! :p

  5. Q, I clicked on the image in your signature. You are a sick sick man. :lol:

  6. Hey Fraz, I remember reading once that you had all of Hockey's mods packed up into click installers. Might I be granted access to these?

  7. I forgot to ask, should I credit you as Ulmont, or Ulmont Onasi?

  8. I'll PM you...

  9. K'oyacyi ori'vod.

  10. Vor'e ner'vod. As for Scav, he was perma-banned for reasons unknown to myself.

    And Google automatically links to all the images. I can't change it. :giveup:

  11. It works out perfect ner'vod. I'll send you a link...

  12. Awesome. I'll test it out. :D

  13. Awesome work ner'vod. But I was thinking something with more clouds and less lightning. You should really set up a web gallery or something ner'vod, 'cos you've got skills.

  14. Can you give me a link to the original image?

  15. Website sized. I'll explain further in a PM.

  16. :lol:


    Meh, good point. But I won't be changing my name to Mird anytime soon. :p

  17. When did you lose the Kaine?

  18. Were'd you find that pic of Bob'ika in your avvy?

  19. Do you think you could make me something like the Code of the Sith wallpaper in a dark grey with some wisps of silver here and there? :)

  20. No need to be so cross about it. :xp:

    I merely had that planned from the start.

  21. Unspeakably so.

  22. I could do uncredited minor edits to the scripts when needed. Just PM me the details when you want my help and I'll see what I can do.

  23. GIMP. Its the only one I've got.

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