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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. Ah. That you are grasshopper. :p

  2. Ah... I'll do that, and mix in a little bit of a New Zealand accent.

  3. Ah... Permit me to say, your drawings are fantastic!How long have you been at it?

  4. Ah... That Infernal lightning problem. How did Kristy Kistic do it?

  5. Aha! I had wondered who the sardonic poster was! A familiar tone under a new name. Why Avlectus?

  6. Alas, for I am a coward, though what I was to say might amuse you.

  7. Alas, for I am victorious over mine enemies.

  8. Alas, for though I seeketh one in my many travels, the Rakatan Prison 'tis not to be found.

  9. Alas, for thous hast- Oy! Can we stop talking typing like this now? My brain is starting to think like that.

  10. Alas, ye had better hope that thine sister doesn't behold our mocking of her poetry. For though it is a vulgar and poisonous thing, she may become sensitive to our unkind words.

  11. Alec? Who might he be? And do you control your city?:xp:

  12. All the bedrooms would be filled.

  13. All the stuff has been set up.:D

  14. All you have to do is :sign2:

  15. Almost done. I just need to finish up the black parts and clear away the background. Then it'll be all yours.

  16. Almost. On my way home from the airport now.

  17. Alright bro. I'll send you that DL link when I finish with the blaster .uti:D

  18. Alright Bryan, I just finished setting up the TSLPatcher to install your mod. I did this because I (like many others who will enjoy this mod) do not have the skills to merge .2da files manually. I'll e-mail it to you in case you want to have it on hand.

  19. Alright ner'vod, I am currently finishing up with the one that is in your sig (you wanted that one right?).

  20. Alright then, you'll have your sig by Wednesday.

  21. Alright, alright, I know Prime could do it, but I'm not quite sure if he would do it. He's got a baby to care for, so I'm kind of reluctant to ask him. I'll do it, but I'm just trying to figure out who would be able to do it if he won't.

  22. Alright, I read your storyline and I like it so far, but its a lot of work for just four members to a team. I would recommend starting a recruitment thread over in Holowan Labs. Ask for module editors, skinners, modelers, scripters, pretty much any type of KotOR modder to join up if they are interested.

  23. Alright, I'll work on the upload.

  24. Alright, later.:D

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