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Everything posted by Trench

  1. I have updated the thread sir.:D

  2. *In creepy Igor/Gollum/Creeper voice* Master! They are dying!


    We must do something to fix this!

  3. I know. But we've gone for a while without activity. Odd.

  4. Really? You've been kinda quiet.

  5. WHAT!!! Mandalorians do not go Tee hee!:D

    We make manly grunting sounds and fire our blasters into the ground!:p

  6. Why does it seem like everyone but me has Photoshop?:p

  7. payback, that picture of the Mandalorian you posted in the group RP is awesome. I never though orange could look cool on a Mando, but your recolor proved me wrong!:D

  8. Commander! Your Mand'alor orders you to take a look at the RP in the Guild of Mand'alors!:D

  9. Hey Chev, since your good at RPing and your a member of the Guild of Mand'alors, drop in sometime. I want your opinion on something.

  10. That was... odd. No, haven't seen it yet.:(

    Your back! How's it been ner'vod?:D

  11. Kandosii! Vor'e vod'ika! We will make our group the ani'la!

  12. Welcome to the Guild of Mand'alors payback.:D

    The group has been dead for a while, but maybe you could help bring it back to life?:)

  13. No problem ner'vod:p.

    Select edit post under your second post, then use your mouse to highlight your entire post. Then use Ctrl+x to cut your post, then delete it. After that select edit post on the above post and Ctrl+v to paste it.:D

  14. Okay, now I just need an invite so we can talk in the group:D

  15. hi:D, you might want to edit and combine your double posts in the "Recruit twin suns" thread. Its against the rules here and RedHawke might get mad if you don't.

  16. Haven't heard from Jacen in a while ner'vod.

    And I don't think anybody can log into kfiles.:(

  17. Hmmm... So there is another challenger to the title of Mand'alor. So be it...

  18. Its going well. As of now I', just reskinning beasts, but I'll start on modules when I get to them in-game.

  19. Yep.

    *sigh* I guess I'll go do it again...


  20. Just the basics. Nothing too detailed (what would I do?:p)

  21. Shhh... is a secret. Has been deemed confidential by order of Russian government.:D

  22. Mostly GIMPing and Voice overs. You?

  23. Yeah, good point. They should at least consider the really good ideas though.

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